Chapter four

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The next day you were very happy at school. A) It was Friday; B) Sam kissed you last night. You didn’t care about your “friend” anymore. You didn’t even care about her, when you heard her talking about you with others. You walked past her and didn’t even look at her.

When you were in the library, you looked for Sam, but you didn’t find him. Should I call him? Better not, he will find me if he wants. You couldn’t concentrate in the library; you just wanted Sam beside you. So you went out quite early…

And then you heard it. In front of the school, you heard familiar voice. You went towards the sound of his voice and you were right. It was Sam talking to…Oh my God! You wanted to hide yourself but it was too late. The man saw you and he smiled at you! Sam turned around to see you. He waved at you and gave you a sign, which meant “Come here”. But you weren’t sure, if you should. So you just stayed where you were. You saw Sam sighing and walking towards you. The man followed him. It was the man, who saved you. You literally stared at him.

“I am bit jealous, (y/n)” Sam said to you with a little laugh in his voice. You shook your head and look at him.


“Don’t be.” Sam said. He pointed at the man.

“This is Castiel.” Castiel smiled at you.

“Who are you?” You asked him.

“I am…” He couldn’t finish his sentence, because Sam cut in on him.

“He is my friend, and he wanted to say, that he is sorry.”

“Sorry?” Castiel asked and looked confused at Sam.

“Yeah, because you just disappeared, when you helped (y/n)” Sam whispered angrily to him.

“OH…sorry, (y/n)” He said. You just ignored it.

“Why did you save me?” You asked him another question.

“Because you were in trouble.” He said calmly. You didn’t believe him, not even a little. Something was weird about him; you just need to find out what it is.

“Okay.” You were looking at him very suspiciously. Sam cleared his throat to get your attention.

“Why didn’t you tell me yesterday, Sam?” You asked Sam.

“Ahh…I wasn’t sure, it was really Castiel. I wanted to ask him first.”

“Okay.” You didn’t believe it. Something wasn’t right. What is it?

“So…do you have any plans or…?” You asked them.

“Well...I thought that I would introduce you to Cas and then we would grab a coffee or something.” He smiled nervously at you. You blushed and nodded.

“Alright, that sounds nice.” You smiled. Castiel waved at you and walked away. Sam grabbed your hand and both of you walked to your first date.

You went to a little café, which you haven’t seen in your town. Sam opened the door for you like a gentleman and you found a table next to the window.

It was such a pretty evening. You felt so good with Sam. He was so nice and pretty. You had to admit to yourself, that you are maybe falling in love with him. You didn’t think of the weird Castiel. You just enjoyed a beautiful date.

You walked to your apartment, Sam’s arm around your waist. You were smiling the whole way home. When you were standing in front of your door, you didn’t want him to leave. You sighed.

“What?” Sam asked you.

“Nothing.” You smiled at him and leaned over for a kiss.  He kissed you at first very gently, and then he pulled you closer to him, his hand on your little back, no gap between you. The kiss became more passionate. His lips were so soft and you didn’t want him to stop kissing you. You put your one arm around his neck and with the other one you ran your fingers through his hair.

When he pulled away, you groaned in frustration. Sam chuckled.

“See you tomorrow.” He kissed you quick on your forehead.

“See you.” You smiled and entered your apartment. You leaned on the door and closed your eyes. You smiled. But when you opened your eyes, you screamed. In front of you stood a man with black eyes. He grinned at you and that was the last thing you remembered. 

The dirty secrets (Supernatural fanfic - Sam x reader)Where stories live. Discover now