Out on the Town

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It was a lovely day in Stonetown. Mr. Benedict, Rhonda, Number Two, Constance, Milligan, and Kate had all gone out for a picnic by the harbor. Milligan had come for protection, and Kate had snuck all the way with them, and she couldn't be taken back now. So they all sat down and ate sandwiches and cookies, and drank lots of lemonade.

It had been years since Mr. Curtain had been defeated. Kate was now 16, and Constance was 9. They sat together now, talking about Madge. Constance was working with Kate on composing a lyrical poem about the peregrine falcon, and Kate was helping by giving Constance Madge's habits and routines, hoping to inspire Constance some more.

"Well, she likes to eat strips of meat, and she's learned how to spot prey while still in the air," described Kate.

"She eats meat like a bear, and spots prey from up in the air," Constance said aloud, puzzling over the next line.

"And mice she will snare," finished Milligan.

"Ah, thank you, Milligan!" Constance beamed. At 9 years old, she was the joyful opposite of her old grumpy self. Her wispy hair had grown long enough to put into a ponytail, rather like Kate's hair, although much wilder.

"Wonderful poem!" Cried Rhonda, finishing off her enormous sandwich. "Now, perhaps we shall head back?"

"Indeed, a remarkable poem about our aviator friend, and yes, we should begin going--" Mr. Benedict cut off abruptly. His hands began to shake, and then his whole body. His eyes were fixed avidly on two figures walking down the pier in the distance. As the blood pumped through him at alarming rates, he felt darkness close in on him.

"Mr. Benedict!" A few voices cried out, and then he was asleep.


When Mr. Benedict woke up, the picnic was almost all packed up, and Kate had wandered off a bit with Milligan, in deep discussion as they looked out towards the harbor.

"How long was I asleep for?" He asked the nearest person, who turned out to be Number Two.

"Almost ten minutes," she responded, snacking on some chips.

"You looked scared, Mr. Benedict," Constance looked concerned. "What were you looking at before?"

"Before? Hmm... what was I looking at... before!" Mr. Benedict jumped up and looked again towards the pier. The two figures were still there.

Constance looked confused, then followed his gaze. Rhonda and Number Two did the same. All they could see was a crowded pier full of tourists and workers.

"Whatever happens, I need to reach that pier. If I fall asleep, please get me into the car and drive there. Whatever it takes!" With that, he began walking quickly towards the pier. He took calming breaths in order to try and stay calm, but with what lay ahead, Mr. Benedict knew that would be almost impossible. He could barely contain his excitement as he began his walk towards the pier.

Somehow, with remarkable self-control, Mr. Benedict made it to the pier. He began walking down, and spotted the two: a man with slight scars on his face (as of from chickenpox) and a women who seemed unfazed by all of the noises around her. Nicholas grinned, and began swaying ominously. He had to make it to them first.

"John!" He cried out, trying to make it to them before happiness overtook him. A few people turned, but not John. Nicholas grabbed the railing and pulled himself towards them. Blackness swirled around in his vision, and he was able to tap the woman's shoulder before going black. She turned, puzzled over him, then yelped from excitement. She recognized him! John turned too, first in fear, then glee. They both stood, staring in shock and happiness at their old friend.

Nicholas began to collapse, although he was grinning madly. The two others realized what was going on and grabbed his arms, steadying him to the floor of the pier.

"Thanks, John, Violet, how lovely you two are toda-"
And blackness overtook him.

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