Smiley Face

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"Nothing" I sighed. I flicked my head to get the hair out if my face while the wind blew against it. Darius, my best friend, took both hands off his bike and crossed his legs in the middle. He knew I hated that. I liked caution, whereas he liked risk.

"I am getting tired. Want to head back Elaine?"

"Nope! keep going!" I yelled. The wind did not want to cooperate today.

We were biking to test endurance, and we kind of had a bet. He didn't think I could last longer than him while bike riding. Well I have a thing where I have to prove him wrong. Like in The third grade, he bet I couldn't get 100 markers to stay in my hair. I taped 137 to my hair and let's just say I had short hair for a year after that.

I also had a brand new- or old rather bike. It was my baby. A sea foam coloured Schwinn 50's model. I fixed it up myself. I liked to do things like that. Sometimes. Ok almost never, but this bike is amazing!

"Ok. Fine. You win this time Elaine but i will win! I wil avenge you! Darius yelled, breaking my train of thought.

We turned around and rode back to the his house, with me leading so I could take the long twisty lanes in different parts of the countryside. He knew I did this to tire him out more, but he never complained as we approached the driveway and put our bikes in the shed.

He ran to inside to take a drink while I made a detour and stopped to pet the dogs Beauty and Gina. They loved me to pieces and kept trying to jump as I led them inside and got a drink of water from the table. As I set my glass down a smell wafted through the air. Lemon bread.

"Elaine they are cooling, so do not eat them yet!" said Elizebeth. She was Dariuses sister and my best friend, well, besides Daruis of course.

"Ahh you know me all to well 'lizebeth." I said tilting me head and laughing. I sat on the counter and crossed my legs, reaching for the cupcake that was next to me.

"Would you quit eating that! You're making me feel fat and ugly!"

I laughed and kept on eating the cupcake, accentuating every bite. I am only 98 pounds, ok 95 pounds and Liz is not that much bigger, but it is our inside joke about how much of a dinosaur she is.

"I still can't believe I got him outta the house, espically when he just started a new computer game." I waved my hand twards Darius on his computer in the next room. From my angle I could not see what game he was playing, but his triumphant fist bumps to the air told me it was rewarding.

"I still can't believe you actually pay attention to him, even though you say he is a brother. Thats not how nice you are to your brother." Liz pointed out. she got up from the couch and pulled the lemon bread icing out of the fridge.

"He is better, and don't even say what I think your going to say!"

"I promise I wont say 'He isnt your brother so obviously he is better'!" she teased as she put the frosting on the bread.

"Why you-"

Vvvvvvt Vvvvvvt

The sound of my phone vibrating cut me off. My mother texted. She wanted me home STAT.

"Damn I have to go." I said. I hopped off the counter and walked twards the door as Liz said goodbye.

"Text me!"

"I will."

I walked to the shed and retrived my bike. I hopped on and started down the road wondering what my mom could possibly want now. I started going through the options in my head. It was a Saturday and my grades had been good so thats not it. Also I had done well in archery practice thursday so that cant be it. I wonder what I did wrong this time.

I pulled into the driveway and put my bike away, not before wiping some dirt off the side. I walked up to the porch and slipped off my new shoes I had just gotten the other day. I walked inside to and turned into the kitchen. On the counter I saw an envalope. With my name on it.

"Mom?" I shouted through the house.

She popped through the kitchen doorway with a grin on her face.

"Open it." she said.

I turned to the envelope and picked it up. I noticed that the printing label had been scribbled on. Probably Forest. I pulled out the letter and read the heading.

Dear Ms. Durham,

We are pleased to tell you that your application has been accepted to University Of Edinburg. We have sent all the required forums for over-sea funding and we can't wait to see you her on campus in two weeks.


Headmaster Sir Timothy O'shea

"Oh. My. God." I could not breath. I was accepted into one of the best vet schools in the world!

Wait, Elizabeth's birthday was in two weeks. We had to go to Idaho. It was tradition, the only state we have ever been to. This was our last trip. She almost de-friended me last year because I didn't want to go to Minnesota I couldn't do this to her again, but I had to go.

It was then she decided to sent a text with our hotel reservations and plans with a smiley face.

I did not feel like a smiley face.

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