The Idea

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I know this is really short but i will be posting another long chapter this weekend, I just could not wait to write this, and I was lazy and did not want to add on....

Thanks slaves! ^-^


"I cant't believe you would do this to me!"

"I am so sorry Liz but I didn't know classes start in two weeks!"

"It is not fair! This was our last trip together and the last state! This was our trip! You can't just go!"

"I have to...Liz, I am so sorry but you know I have to go!"

She wasn't taking this so well. Not that I could blame her, I mean it was really bad that I had to leave on her birthday but she needs to step into my shoes. I have always wanted to go to this school! This is my chance to follow my educational dreams! She needs to understand that!

"No Elaine, you don't! You can just wait another year and go next year! This was planned for years! This college thing is TWO WEEKS NOTICE!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I know" i said more to myself than to her. I sighed and fell back into the couch. I buried my face in my hands as I thought about what to do.

"I cannot wait another year, they only had one seat this year and I have my special dorm picked out. It does not have a roommate which is why I wanted it, I can't have another best friend that isn't you, it would be so different living with someone else if I shared with-"

I stopped myself from finishing that sentence. I knew exactly what I had to do. I had a brilliant idea that would settle everything, and maybe make some people even happier.

I turned my head slowly and creepily at Liz and smiled wider than a Cheshire cat.

"Oh Lizzie!" i said in a sing-songy voice.

"What?" she said annoyed.

"Darling dearest friend of mine, you're going to college!"

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