Different Colours Ch. 1: Kidnapped

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It has been almost a month, since Tord had 'betrayed' his friends Edd, Matt and... Tom(?) and destroyed their house. Tord disappeared without a trace after the 'incident' with his own Army. The remaining 3 were able to afford a new house, even though most of the money was from Tom(he originally planned to use the saved money on a new harpoon gun, because the old one broke apparently). They were able to live a rather normal life. Edd, Tom and Matt were sitting on their new Couch, Ringo purring on Edd's lap

Edd patted Ringo while watching the TV. Matt and Tom sat beside him on the Couch. They all looked kind of bored... why wasn't there anything good  on the TV right now? Suddenly, the news caught their attention...

"...The police still wasn't able to find the person responsible for the severe damage at XX street and one dead person. People are guessing the Offender, who destroyed a house and killed one person is the long-wanted 'Red Leader'. Spectators claim to have seen him at the scene, controlling the giant robot, that later was blown up. Police officer.... will give... more information... on..."

Edd sighed "I wonder what Tord's doing right now... or if he's still alive. It has almost been 4 weeks now since we last saw him". Tom sighed annoyed "Well, I honestly don't care. He blew up our house and almost killed me!". Edd seemed like to remember what he was saying "Oh, yeah... I almost forgot". Tom seemed slightly confused "How could you forget that? It literally happened only a few weeks ago-". Tom was interrupted by Matt shushing him "Be quiet! I want to hear what the woman's saying, it might give us at least some information". Tom looked at Matt "Matt, the police couldn't find Tord. They don't even know where he i-". Matt interrupted him again as the program changed to some series "Well, I was hoping the woman would say something useful..." he stood up "Well, you can continue arguing now, I'm going to my room" he walked to the door. Matt stopped when Edd spoke "Wait... he has an Army, right? Does that Army has a base here in England? I bet his Army does...". Tom needed some time to think before he answered Edd's statement "Edd's right. His Army surely does have a base here... but I don't want to see this Psychopath again. Who knows what he'll do next time?" He murmured right after he said that "...or more like what I'll do when I see that Commie..." Luckily, the other two couldn't understand anything else than 'Commie'. Unfortunately, they were able to imagine what he said...

Matt turned to the Couch with a more serious attitude "...Well, we can talk about that later, right? Let's not worry about him" his attitude almost immediately changed to being happy "Anyways! I heard BlackWeek started a few hours ago! Who wants to go shopping?!". Edd jumped up from the Couch "BlackWeek?! Me! GET THE MONEY AND LET'S GO". Tom protested "Uh, you guys barely have the money right now... Wait- don't you dare take m-" Matt quickly grabbed Tom's purse and ran out of the door "What-". "Come on, maybe we'll find something good!... with your money, of course" Edd just laughed and suddenly grabbed Tom by the arm, dragging him outside. "But-... Ugh, whatever..." Tom sighed and followed Matt and Edd into the city. The 3 stopped at a big shopping mall and looked at each other "So, I guess we're going to split up? Let's say we'll meet here at 4 PM!" said Edd, waiting for an answer from the other 2. "Two hours? Isn't it a bit too long for just looking around?" Tom asked whereupon Matt answered "Then let's just make one hour! We can still walk around together". The three split up into different sections of the mall. Matt was at the mirrors section, Edd at the grocery section and Tom was looking at a variety of guitars. "It's not cheating if I just look around, right?... Susan won't know..." After checking out a few guitars, he went out of the store, continuing his walk through the mall. Something caught his attention and he instantly ran to a shop that sold harpoons "Oooh! And it's so shiny..." Tom went into the store and immediately asked the shop owner how much the harpoon cost. He was pretty happy after he bought a few harpoons cheaper than usual. He walked to the shop's exit, but suddenly some really tall guy stopped in front of him, blocking his way. Tom looked up raising an eyebrow "Uh, excuse me? You're blocking the way-" he wanted to finish his sentence, but instead was interrupted by the guy "Are you 'Tom'?" Tom looked confused and hesitated to answer. He shouldn't answer with a yes... Who'd be so stupid and would answer with a yes to some random, creepy guy who knows your name? "Uh... No?" Tom answered before the guy looked at a photo that he took out of his pocket "Could you please get out of my way now?" Tom was starting to get pissed. The taller guy seemed to compare the photo with Tom and then suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at Tom "There's no use of lying" the taller guy said. Tom stayed rather calm and examined the guy pointing a gun at him. He just noticed he was dressed strangely. He had blue and red clothes... with black boots. Something that soldiers of an army would wear. Tom wasn't able to completely examine him and was harshly dragged out of the shop by the guy, dropping his new harpoons.

Matt was looking into a mirror "Oh, hello handsome~" He didn't notice a guy dressed similarly like the guy that took Tom with him. Well, he did notice him... but too late. The guy quickly tied Matt's hands and dragged him out of the store "AHHHH, DON'T HIT MY FACE!" Matt yelled before the guy held a mirror in front of him.

...Matt got distracted quickly.

Edd walked around in the shopping mall, having a strange feeling "Hm something doesn't seem right" Edd sipped from his Cola which he bought earlier and glanced around... Why did every seller and shop assistant wear the same outfit? And... why were they looking at him so strange?

Edd now felt uneasy. Something REALLY wasn't right and he held onto his Cola.

"MY HARPOONS! LET ME GO" Edd turned to where the yelling came from "Wasn't that Tom just now?" Suddenly someone grabbed his shoulder and he turned to a stranger dressed blue and red, like the others "What the-" The stranger punched him in the face catching Edd off-guard. Edd passed out, dropping his Cola, that strangely fell pretty dramatic to the ground.


Tom, Matt and Edd were each brought into different cells(more like rooms with a lock on a door). Tom was searching for a way out and sat down on the ground when he gave up "Where are Matt and Edd, though?".

A familiar voice answered him from the room next to his "Tom? Is that you?". Tom looked around and spotted a small hole near the ceiling "Matt? Yeah, it's Tom. Do you know where Edd is?". "No, but I think he's still unconscious." Matt stated. "Oh, yeah... He was punched in the face by them... I wonder where we are" said Tom.

"Ugh..." a groan came from another room.

Tom looked to the wall where the groan came from "Edd?". "Yeah...? Oh, where the hell are we?" Edd sounded tired at first, but then you could hear he realised what's going on. "Uh... I think we're in the basement of the shopping centre-" Matt was interrupted by Tom. "We were kidnapped by Tord's Army and are in one of his bases right now" Tom said sighing, correcting Matt's statement. "Tord's Army? Wait- what?! Where is he?" Edd looked around the room he was. "We don't know. I guess somewhere inside the base" Matt answered shrugging his shoulders, even though the others couldn't see it.

Suddenly, Matt's door was opened and a soldier stood at the door "The Leader wants to see you and your friends"...



A/N: We'll finally see him again... even though it has only been 3 weeks. I'm already working on the 2nd chapter, but it'll take some time because of school. I'll hopefully finish Chapter 2 after my holidays are over! :)

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