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October 2, 2016

Time: 12:40 in the damn morning.

Location: Driving down a dark street with absolutely no clue where I am.

Current feeling: Scared shitless.

I frantically turned on my windshield wipers, the drizzle was now turning into a much more severe rain. I knew I should of left sooner from the beach, but I spotted a  stray dog and decide to follow it about a mile past the pier. One of my goals on the vision board in my room is to rescue all the stray dogs, but so far that has failed. They all run away from me.

 Anyways,whenever I do go to the beach, I always made sure I leave before 8:00, mainly because of the fact I thought sharks grew legs and explored land after 8:00pm.That what my mom use to tell me when I was little to get me to leave. It's  like when your younger and you are scared of the dark and run to your bed after turning off the lights. I know I still do that. Plus, I have a ridiculous fear of sharks.

Now I know what your thinking. If you left at 8:00, how is it your still driving around at 12:00 a.m? Well of course I had to stop to devour a mango smoothie at Tiki Smoothies, my favorite place ever. Sometimes I got a little carried away and ended up staying there to long (hot cashier). And also the exit I needed was closed due to construction and I had to take a different route. Now I'm here, and my phones dead. Yay to life.

I made sure my doors were locked about six times as I wandered onto a new street and turned up my Bon Iver CD. His magical voice always seemed to soothe me. There were no street lamps and only 4 houses leading up to a dead end. And the house looked creepy and abandoned. Vines grew over the windows and the foundation desperately needed repairs. Pulling over to the curb, I turned off the car so I could read the map I had stashed under the seat. Man I really wished I had learned how to accurately use one. The only reason I had it in here was because my mom and I took a road trip last summer. We ended up using Google Maps instead.

Okay so if I just go back the way I came from and turn left---. My thought was cut off by yelling in the distance, it sounded like men's voices. I ducked down lower in my seat, my hands shaking in fear.You are being crazy, it's just your imagination. These are the things I told myself repeatedly.

"ARGHHH," the voice screamed again. Okay, this was real.And someone was being hurt.

Beads of sweat rolled off my forehead. I really didn't want to die like this. I had so much I still wanted to do. I need to tell Goober (my dog) I loved her, I needed to learn how to paddle board, I wanted to try sushi. The voices seemed like they were not to far away. I heard the man yell 'help. Slowly, I raised my body up towards the windshield. A man, well a dark figure really, was running towards my car. I would say he was 30 meters away. This was probably the man in need of help. Just then a small group of other dark figures followed behind him, knocking him on his chest.

 One guy was kicking this poor man who was on the ground repeatedly, one of the attackers was crouched down looking for something in the victim's pocket. Then all of a sudden they all took off running, I assume getting what they wanted.

Shit, now what?

Why am I always in the weird situations. I knew I had to help this guy but if he was hanging around people like the ones who just beat him up, then he could be dangerous as well. I took a deep breath and quietly got out of my car, feeling the warm wind on my bare legs. Silently, I ran over to the man, crouched down and poked his shoulder. My heart pounding heard then it ever has. My surrounding fell silent and my eyes dropped down to the man on the ground.  He was not your clean cut blonde haired, blued eye beauty. He was a tall man, maybe around 6'3; medium build,not to lanky but not a juicehead either. He had a beard, no not a Gandolf beard but a short well trimmed beard. But what really drew me in was the tattoos There was a small origami swan behind right his ear and creatively trailed down to his neck and disappeared into his black shirt. His left arm had multiple tattoos I couldnt make out and his right arm was completely covered, like a sleeve. 

"Excuse me sir?"

No response.

Well duh Lilly, he was probably unconscious. I needed to get him in my car. By the looks of it he was to heavy for me to drag back. Right then and there a small lightbulb went of in my head. Forget what my school said, I was a genius. I ran back to my car, turned on the engine and drove closer to him. Maybe I could lift him into the back seat!

Quickly opening the backseat door I moved all the junk I had yet to clean over to the other side. Honestly, I was not a organized person. My car and room were a utter shame.


My head whipped back in the direction of the injured guy.

"Sir, sir, can you hear me." There wasn't response but he shifted his body towards me, indicating he could. I felt a pang of happiness run through my body. 

I hooked my arms under his using all my strength to throw him up against the side of my car. His head flopped up and down, his eyes swollen from the beating. I groaned as I pushed him in and slammed the door shut, running over to the drivers seat.

Oh god. Oh god. What if he dies. What if they think I did it. My mind started thinking up crazy ideas at a million miles an hour as I sped down the street getting back on the highway. Every couple seconds I checked back in the rear view mirror to see if he was still breathing.

Finally when seeing the sign with a big blue H on it, I excited hastily. Good thing it was early and no one was out driving, especially since I was going about 30 over the speed limit. 

I pulled into the front entrance of the empty emergency room, running through the sliding door to the lady at the front desk. I felt like everything was fuzzy and I could not even breath properly .

"I found a guy unconscious he's inthecarineedhelpicantcarryhim," I rambled. She looked over my shoulder to my car and called someone on her walkie talkie.

A group of about 3 male nurses ran out to my car and quickly gathered him out. Everything felt so unreal, I could hear my head throbbing and everything went silent. I watched as they carried away the guy . My nerves subsided when I reliazed he was going to get treatment.

I felt a tap on my back, causing me to snap back to reality. 

"Ma'am I need you to tell me what happened." Her voice sounded like an echo, and I felt like everything was in slow motion. My eyes burned and my arms ached.

"I need to sit down," I whispered. She held my arm until we were both sitting on the waiting room chairs.

"Can you tell me what happened." I nodded and slowly told her every detail.

1:00 A.MWhere stories live. Discover now