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splody boy: you guys are SO FUCKING LOUD

serotonin: ur the one who yells every time u open ur mouth shut up

splody boy: shut the fuck up sticky bitch i'll kill you

serotonin: please end my suffering daddy

splody boy: what the FUCK

less bean: WHAT THE FUCK!!!

twinkachu: WHAT THE F UC K

spikey: s e r o

serotonin: it was a joke >:( damb >:(

less bean: oh

serotonin: ion even like bakugo he's mean
serotonin: also im not even a bottom cough cough kaminari cough cough

splody boy: im gonna fucking murder you

spikey: i like u bakugo ;(

splody boy: shut up shitty hair

less bean: who do u even like sero

serotonin: idk pf
serotonin: kami maybe

less bean: oh right i knew that
less bean: haha gay

serotonin: shut up u lesbian

twinkachu: im..i-i'm honowed..,, úwù

serotonin: Never mind I take what I said back

twinkachu: [sad uwu]

serotonin: i will skin you alive, harvest your organs, eat your kneecaps, hide your teeth and throw your cold, dead body off a bridge

twinkachu: o h

spikey: s. sero are you okay

serotonin: no lmao
serotonin: i mean suuuree
serotonin: im FINE right now but i still feel like dying yknow

spikey: oh :(

twinkachu: dont die sero i love u >:((


twinkachu: wow whered u get that picture of me

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twinkachu: wow whered u get that picture of me

serotonin: u eat soap

twinkachu: only on wendsdays

serotonin: u didnt even spell wednesday right

twinkachu: oh fuck me

spikey: haha gay

twinkachu: says the gay who hooks up with only boys every weekend

spikey: shut UP its not EVERY WEEKEND

twinkachu: HSHAHAHAHHA

serotonin: kaminari u get drunk every weekend and flirt with LITERALLY everyone u dumbass

twinkachu: oh

serotonin: last weekend u flirted with bakugo dumbie

twinkachu: o  h

less bean: sero got so jealous HAHAHQHAHA
less bean: he walked all the way home to smoke weed and cry

serotonin: SHUT UP MINA
serotonin: i hate you so much

less bean: uwo 🤪👌

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