Lights in the Park

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Seth sighed happily, content in his space on the couch. His eyes stayed trained on the large flat screen before him, Elf flickering on the surface. Christmas time was his favorite time, and he'd be dammed if he wasn't going to make the most of it. The text tone of his phone grabbed his attention and he checked it to find it was Dean. He smiled to himself, it said he was on his way back from the store and that Seth should be dressed and ready to leave once he got home. He'd ask what Dean had planned, but he knew better, so instead, he just got off the couch and headed upstairs to shower and get dressed.

"Baaaabe, I'm home!" Seth heard Dean call. He was just finishing up blow-drying his hair and then he pulled it back and tied it in a low ponytail. He took to the stairs and smiled wide when he was Dean standing there, still in his pea coat and beanie.

"Hey there, good-looking," Dean said when Seth made it to where he stood. He leaned in and planted a few quick kisses to Seth's lips.

"Hi, handsome. Get what you needed from the store?" Seth asked as he pulled on his own winter attire. Dean nodded, "So, should I even ask where we're going?"

Dean just smiled, "It's a surprise." Seth just grinned and shook his head, muttering something about Dean being so extra. He smiled at Seth's dopey grin, his hand tightly gripping the small box that was tucked deep down into his coat pocket. "All set?" he asked Seth. Seth nodded and they made their way out of the house. Dean drove while Seth turned on Christmas music, his singing filling that confined space as they barreled down the road.

"Are we there yet?" Seth teasingly asked in his most childish voice.

Dean chuckled, "Almost, actually. Here-" he said and dug into the pocket without the little box. He pulled out a strip of cloth and passed it to Seth, "-put this on."

Seth took the fabric, "You know how I feel about blindfolds," Seth said with a hint of danger in his voice.

"I promise we'll use it for that purpose later tonight, but for right now I need you to use it for this, okay babe?" Dean asked, shaking his head at Seth's sudden thirst.

"Fine, fine," Seth said and tied the blindfold on. Within a few minutes, Dean parked and shut off the car and then ran around the retrieve his boyfriend. He helped Seth out of the car and then locked it up, then took Seth's arm and led him to their destination. It was the perfect time as the sun was beginning to set, the snow on the ground turning more to a blueish hue rather than angry, brilliant white.

"Okay, take it off," Dean said once he stopped the two in their tracks.

Seth removed the blindfold and gasped, "Dean, what is this?" he asked. Before them stood two horses hitched up to an open carriage, a man sitting in front holding the reigns.

Dean laughed, "Think of this as an early Christmas present." He held out his hand for Seth to take and then led him to the carriage. The man in front turned to ensure they were all set and then prompted the horses to take off at a light trot. Dean pulled Seth close and Seth took the opportunity to nuzzle his cold nose into the crook of Dean's neck.

"Look," Dean said softly. Seth picked up his head and looked a the festive light up decorations that were set up on either side of the park path.

"This is perfect, what an amazing surprise," Seth said, "I love you."

Dean smiled and pressed a kiss to Seth's lips, "I love you too." They sat in comfortable silence as they looked at the pretty lights, their frames snuggled together to combat the cold. As the night wound on, Dean could see a large cluster of lights through the trees and knew the ride would be over soon. Suddenly, his stomach tied in knots at the thought, the box in his pocket taking over his mind. He knew the ring was right, it was the perfect size and perfect for Seth. He wouldn't see this coming, Dean made sure of that. It was between him and Roman, Roman even had the papers from the jeweler's and any and all contact information given was under Roman's things for now. Dean pushed down the sudden nervousness, though, determined not to let on that anything was out of the ordinary.

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