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The inmates were already in their cells earlier, due to Frank's brief message from his most prominent, beloved colleague with whom he cooperates, Sister Jude, as they needed to leave the common room earlier so that to get extra good night's sleep..

This night is going to be quite exhausting not only for Jed's parents who had already spoken with the administrator of the institution earlier today. The same issues will be faced by the newly hired Dr. Thredson, the Monsignor and Jude, herself. Jed's devilish spirit was tormenting the young man's body as he did unbelievable things a little before committing in the mental hospital for cure and exorcism.

As Jude was being told to stay with Jed's anxious parents, in this moment the respected priest went upstairs as he climbed each stair of the spiral stairs, heading directly to the room where the exorcism will be performed very soon.

The nun prayed as she held in her frail hand her rosary, whilst Timothy joined the other 2 men, and Father Malachi as they attempted to perform the exorcising process though the smitten boy's diabolical speech, complaining, cursing with bad language the both pious faces of the church and the younger doctor, besides he did overwhelmingly odd, unexplainable things such as implementing telekinesis on the eldest surrounder, who crashed in the wall, lying helplessly on the ground, in the interim the both adults went over the lying body of the older priest, observing his current condition if he was actually fine, inquiring him concerned.

"Father, are you okay?"The Monsignor inquired concerned as his engendered caring nature illuminated his benevolent, sacred heart.

"I think so." The older priest gasped in pain as the doctor and the juvenile priest helped Father Malachi to rose his body as they put him in his wheelchair, whilst the possessed by the devil boy didn't stop speaking nonsence with fiendish, deep voice.

As Timothy left the room, walking through the dark, abysmal corridors of the asylum, looking for Jude, in the meantime Oliver and Father Malachi left the room due to the Monsignor's order.

Once he went downstairs, noting the blonde praying as her rosary was still gripped tightly into her hand with shutted eyes, she was being told to come with him as Timothy informed the parents that their son is still struggling.

As they went upstairs, Timothy comforted Jude as he told her to speak to God and supervise Jed. She confirmed his words as she was left alone, looking alongside through the door's small window at top, her stressed, fulfilled with fatigue hazel eyes, recognizing the endeavoring boy was wriggling in his bed, thereafter starting to shriek with desperate, normal voice. "I can't see! It burns! I can't see! Mommy, please! Somebody! Somebody help me! Please! I can't see! Please! Someone help me."

Jude reentered the room as she grabbed a plain white garment to wipe his eyes with its oozing blood fluid, rubbing them until she withdrawn herself when he rose his body, changing drastically his voice from miserable into demonic, deep. The nun got frightened as he started.

"Somebody help It drives you crazy, doesn't it? To be the smartest person in the room, with no willpower because of that smelly clam between your legs."

That horrified even more the shieldless nun attempted to exit the room until it shut down, due to the possessed boy's casted spell as Jude was unable to leave the room, pulling the iron doorknob, feeling indisputably hopeless and trapped by the Satan who inhabits his body. Heart racing.

"Oh, that's why you became a whore, isn't it, Sister? You're wearing red knickers right now."

She still pulled the doorknob as she felt powerless against Jed. Her face had already acquired its palish hue of fear, franticness and panic, clutched tightly teeth.

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