Alexandra Studios

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            The ride over to the dance studio was quite awkward for me. All I could think about was what Chris told me, and how I still had to endure another talk like that again later tonight. The pain that overtook me before was worse than I thought originally, and that conversation was just scratching the surface of what was going to be discussed later. I looked in the mirror from the passenger's seat to look at Chris. He looked sad, but that he was trying to hide it. He was talking to Richard about going out to eat later and Richard explaining excited he is to show the boys his New York and all the places he's been. From just looking at him, Chris looks okay, just like any other day. But, I know him. That was my Chris. I know he's hurting deeply inside, and he can't handle it. And I caused this to him.

"Hey, Luna, did you ever dance before?" Zabdiel asked taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah actually. Back in Ecuador I was a dancer throughout high school. Once I came back over here to America, I kind of never started it up again".

"Why don't you join me in teaching the kids?"

"Oh no. It's been a few years, and I'm a bit rusty. Plus I-"

"If you don't do it, I'm out" Zabdiel said acting cocky.

"You wouldn't"

"Try me chica"

"Fine. I'll do it" I said in defeat. I can't believe I agreed to this. The last time I did this I was 16.

"Oh snap, let's get it girl! Now I'm more excited for this." Richard replied.

"Yeah, I'm sure she's great" Chris said. Chris never missed one of my performances. He was always in the audience with his mom and with my dad. Always with a rose for each year with were together. He was my biggest supporter.

"Well thanks guys. Well, let's not keep them waiting inside" I said. We walked into the studio and was greeted by the owner of the studio.

"LUNA! I'm so glad you were able to make it!" Alexandria said to me. You see, Lexi was the first friend I made when Christopher and I both moved here. She was there for me through everything. Through him leaving, me finding out I was pregnant, the abortion, going back to school, etc. To say she was my best friend was an understatement, she was my sister.


"Lexi, I can't do this. How am I going to get past this? Chris left me, I got rid of my baby, and now I feel like I can't get out of this pain I'm in" I said crying on my couch. Lexi was just holding me in her arms, trying to comfort me. I just couldn't pull myself together.

"Oh Luna. Can't you see how strong you actually are?"

"Strong? I'm not strong! I'm a true mess, and that's probably why Christopher didn't want to take me with him to La Banda!" I said. Lexi didn't say anything but starred at me in disbelief.

"Luna, when Christopher left, you were depressed because you were now emotionally and financially responsible for all of this by yourself. He promised you a life together and went to go chase that life without you. Yet, you pulled yourself together and did what you had to do. Then you found out you were pregnant. You were struggling enough to provide for yourself. You had to make the difficult decision, and you made the decision with caution and you thought it out carefully and it what was right for yourself and for that baby. You knew to bring a child into this world in this situation isn't right for them. And you still did this despite having seen your baby on the ultrasound. Most women wouldn't do any of that" She said looking straight into my eyes. "I know what you need. Move in with me".

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