Second Death

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Ryder secured the helmet via the double D rings under her chin. She turned and checked her blind spot. Her left hand kept the clutch at the biting spot while the right twisted the throttle. Her vintage Yamaha moped roared to life. I'll never be tired of this sound. Muscle memory took over and she shifted to a higher gear with her left foot. Letting go of clutch, she pushed her helmet's visor down. The road was clear and straight. The breeze streaming into her helmet via the vents on the top, tickling her hair and scalp. Laughter burst from her lungs, unbidden. It's been too long

Fossil fuel driven vehicles are rare but this is one she brought to life with her own hands before she enlisted in the Alliance. She had few chances to enjoy the joy of the ride since signing up. Now that her Alliance career is over, discharged after being posting from one backwater planet to another she has the time to indulge in riding. Who knows if I'll be able to bring this baby to Heleus.

Ryder blinked, What's that on the road?

A shadow darted across her vision and instinctively her right hand and foot jerked, she squeezed and stomping on the brakes. The front wheel locked. Shit, shit, shit! Ryder felt her body lift from the seat as the motorcycle did a forward flip. Her hands were ripped from the handle bar and suddenly she just hung in the air, immobilised. This isn't right...

The Archon's face was instantly before her. A sharp pain shot down her spine as the needle plunged into the back of her neck. Is he taking something or leaving something behind? The haze of pain dispelled any notion of thought. She could feel cold hands on her face as the ugly green mug stared into her eyes. "No amount of struggle is going to help now," the Archon declared, "You are mine!"

Then the world turned black and cold. A black so utter and overwhelming, a black that felt eternal and permanent.


Ryder sat bolt upright on the bed. A pain flared like fire across her abdomen. She hissed as her body reminded her of her bruised ribs. "Ryder, are you all right?" Lexi's voice broke the blind panic that she was in.

"Pathfinder, I advise you take deep breaths. Your accelerated heart rate is not advisable after your ordeal on the Archon's flagship," SAM said.

"A dream, it was a dream," she whispered to herself as she took deep breaths to get her heart rate down.

Ryder flinched as she felt Lexi's hand on her shoulder. For a moment the touch reminded her of the Archon's hand. Lexi withdrew her hand as if burnt. "I'm sorry, I thought.... sorry."

"You have nothing to apologise for, Ryder," Lexi said "What you've just been through is traumatising to put it lightly."

Ryder opened her mouth to explain. She frowned, she seemed to remember explaining the situation to Lexi when she returned to the Tempest. Then, Lexi did she usually does and insisted she spend the night at the med-bay for observation.

Lexi waved her silent and pushed Ryder down back to the bed. "You need to rest, what your heart went through today is...," started Lexi.

Ryder nodded as she took a shuddering breath to calm her racing heart. Lexi lifted her shirt to make sure the leads are all in place. The machine that monitored her heart rate beeped happily along. "I've spoke to SAM, I don't think there is any lasting effects from the ill advised procedure."

Ryder wasn't listening, she had her eyes squeezed close as she tried to banish the Archon's face from behind her eyelids.I died again today. Again. The corners of Lexi's lips turned up to give her a smile.

"Yes, Mom," Ryder smiled as she opened her eyes and turned her gaze at Lexi.

If the look of concern was any indication, her smile wasn't the least bit convincing as she tried to sound. She sighed and tried to make herself comfortable. The wireless leads on her bare chest wasn't helping matters. Closing her eyes again, Ryder's breath hitched as a surge of panic threatens to overwhelm her. "Do you need a mild sedative to sleep?" Lexi asked.

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