Don't ever talk to me again

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I woke up with a pounding headache and a sore throat. Fantastic.

I rolled out of bed, ruffling my hair up with my fingers and looking at myself in the mirror. Sighing, I got up to make my bed so mom didn't yell at me.

My whole room was an entire mess and I desperately needed to clean it up. There were clothes scattered everywhere, half of which didn't fit, I had so many things I needed to throw out.

Basically all my jeans didn't fit, most of my leggings had holes in and I only have 2 bras. I seriously need to go shopping. But, with shopping comes money, something which at the moment I'm really lacking.

I threw some of my clothes into the laundry basket as I walked past my bathroom, trying to convince myself that I'd clean my room when I returned. Obviously, that's not gonna happen.

I trailed downstairs on the hunt for some medicine for my headache. As I walked into the hallway I saw Billie curled up on Luna's lap with a smile on her face. Both of them were asleep, still dressed from the night before.

A lot of things were smashed and to put it lightly mom and dad were not happy. At all. Luna and Billie were gonna be in for a surprise when they woke up.

I cleaned the glass up from the fallen chandelier that Luna had missed and some more bits and pieces upstairs, but it all seemed relatively clean, surprisingly.

Billie opened her eyes slightly and looked at me before going back to sleep. I eventually found some tablets to take, throwing them back and praying they would work instantly.

Me and that Luke guy have been talking a lot, he's no longer tutoring me because I told him to fuck off. Not in a mean way, just if I wanna learn how to do something I wanna learn myself. Plus, he wasn't all that helpful.

I sat myself up on the island as I peeled a banana and began to eat it, picking my brain for something to do all day. Maybe Luke is free? I don't wanna be a pain in the ass and I know I told him to fuck off and all but his company is actually nice.

Maybe I'll text him later.

Before I could move two hands dig into my sides making me scream. My head whipped around as I saw Finneas stood there laughing. I held my chest and laughed with him. My heart felt like it could beat out my chest.

"Finneas! Fucking hell!" I smiled, eating the rest of my banana and throwing it away. He just grabbed an apple, taking an obnoxiously loud bite.

"How are things?" I hugged my leg close to my body as I rest my head on my knee, my cheek squishing up as I shrugged.

"They're good. They're going normal. How's Claudia?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. She'd been staying over for a couple of nights every now and then when she could. However I didn't hear any suspicious noises so I gathered she's not that type of girl.

"She is great, as usual. Still feels like I'm in a dream." I crinkled my nose at his comment. So cute. They're my power couple.

"I'm glad you two have clicked so well," I nodded, sighing out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about what was in the near future for them.

Finneas may not be my blood brother but he's still my best friend. It sounds silly, but I'm worried about his mental state. Especially after seeing how the whole fiasco with Ashley broke his heart, it's really put a wall around me liking Claudia.

Not that I'd ever in a billion years think that she'd ever do something like that to him, I know she'd never. But being his sister and knowing how vulnerable he is, it's difficult to see him fall in love again.

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