I Miss You:Oneshot

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ATTENTION PLEASE!! THE WORDS OR SENTENCES THAT'S WRITTEN BY 'This font' is the present.(when Junkai is telling the past)

Author's POV-------------------------------------------

A guy with a pair of black suit and a bouquet of flowers in his hand, stepped out from his luxurious car. He looked at the bouquet and smiled softly. A smile that he hadn't showed for a long time since his left. He started to move his legs,looking straight and expressionless as he slowly arrived to the grave he wanted.

"Good Afternoon, Wang Yuan."He greeted. The guy's name is Wang Junkai. Junkai smiled seeing the grave. Peaceful and no one seems to bothered it. "You've already left us for two years."He said with a bitter tone. "It's our 4th Anniversary today."He said as he sighed. "Ah. I brought the first flower i gave to you. Purple Larkspur. Which means 'first love'."Junkai said as he placed the flowers.Junkai sat on the ground,smiling peacefully. "It's our 4th Anniversary already and 2nd year of your death.. Do you still remember the first time we met?"Junkai asked to the grave.

"Well... Let me tell you if you don't. Because today is our anniversary and i've promised you."He looked down to the ground. "Let me tell you all of our story. The whole story. From the very beginning to the end. Shall we begin?"Junkai asked. Only the wind answered his question. Small chuckles escaped his pale lips.

"I'll tell you, my dear."Junkai smiled.

"Did you remembered how you bumped into me on the ceremony?"He asked as he started to tell everything with a smile on his face,remembering their moments together. The sweet and bitter moments.


"Gyah!! I'm late! I'm late!"I heard someone noisily yelled. At that time, you didn't knew I was there,sitting while leaning on the wall. And then I heard someone's voice kept yelling 'I'm late.' Although the event has already ended. Hearing you yelling those words,I stood up,feeling irritated of the noise. As i stood up,it was very unexpectedly that you bumped into me. You fell down on me with a shocked expression. I frowned and pushed you away. I stood up and you followed,bowing to me and apologized. When you still didn't heard i said 'it's fine'.. You kept on following me.

At first i was silly and thought the matter would be settled after i'd said 'it's okay.'...But...The next day,you followed me with a smile on your face. "Wang Junkai! Let's be friends!"You said with a smile. At that time,I'd never knew you. I only thought of you as another trouble. When you extended your hand, I looked at you in disguise as i said "No."I didn't replied your smile and walked past you. Though I'm mean to you at that time,you still followed me until we reached the rooftop.

"Hey...Let's be friends.." You pleaded me until I sat on the corner of the rooftop and put on my earphones. You sat beside me and I glanced at you. I saw you puffed your cheeks and pouted. Your behaviors are so childish. That's what I thought. "How do you know my name?"I asked,finally talked to you. You gave me a silly smile. "Secret!"You said and winked your brown eyes. I didn't knew why, but my attention suddenly went to you. I watched how you kept on swaying around your hands like a kid. Bored with you,i focused my eyes on my phone back.

After some moments,you poked my waist and pulled me out from my peaceful rest. But again, I ignored it and focused to my phone. After a few pokes, I gave in and pulled off my earphones. "What do you want?"I asked you with a very cold voice,I bet. I saw you pulled a sweet smile. "Be friends with me."You said,pointing to yourself. I rolled my eyes and stood up. You followed my action. "Stop following me. Are you a stalker? Or do you have a crush on me?"

"That's not it. I just really want you to be my friend."You said with a hope in your eyes. I really didn't liked the way you looked at me. "I. Won't. So, stop following me!"I said as I stomped my feets down to the stairs. I really hoped I didn't made you cried at that time. Although I'm mean,I still hate it if I make someone cry. But, my ears caught your sniffles. I felt kind of guilty,but those two words were just too hard to be said.

I Miss You (KARROY)(KAIYUAN)Where stories live. Discover now