Chapter 5: A Cybernetic Revelation

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It was a few weeks before Zoe could realistically return to work. Upon entering, Zoe was met by a few of her coworkers, welcoming her back to work. Before she had a chance to sit at her desk, she was called in to speak to Durham.

Durham sat at his desk, a few papers littering it.

“Welcome back,” Durham said, “please, have a seat.” Zoe did as Durham said and sat in the chair across from him.

“There are some things I’d like to discuss with you,” Durham said, pouring two glasses of Ambrosia from a bottle on his desk, “drink?”

“I’m on duty,” Zoe said.

“And you’ve just gotten back from being shot. I think I can forgive one drink.” Durham passed the glass to Zoe who took a drink of it and set it back on the desk. Durham frowned as if expecting something else to happen.

“Now,” Zoe said, “What was it you wanted to discuss with me?”

“I’ve been going over your file,” Durham said, pointing to the papers on his desk, “and there are a few things that don’t add up.”


“Well, I’ve been looking at your records before taking this position and noticed that there are none.”

“You must have looked in the wrong places.”

“I looked everywhere and, as far as I can tell, Rachel Ava doesn’t exist.”

“I’m sitting right here.”

“Yes you are, but you aren’t Rachel, are you?”

“What are you saying?”

“You’re Zoe Graystone.”

“Zoe Graystone?”

“You don’t have to hide it, I know it’s you.”

“Zoe is dead. How could I be her?”

“You tell me, and you can also explain how a seemingly normal person can be a robot.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I was going to have tests done on a blood sample from where you got shot. The sample wasn’t real. I’ve gathered enough evidence to know you aren’t human.”

“So you think I’m a Cylon?”

“Not a Centurion, you’re too complex for that. You act too much like a person to be just another toaster.”

“But dead people don’t come back to life inside robots.”

“The GDD found references to a ‘Resurrection Program’ on Clarice’s computer.”

“Clarice was a crazed terrorist.”

“There were also rumors that Graystone Industries was working on ways of cloning the human mind. He all but admitted it to Baxter Sarno. Let’s face it, you can’t keep hiding forever.”

“Alright, alright, you caught me, I am Zoe Graystone.”

“And the rest of it? Did Daniel figure out some way to make a copy of your mind?”

“No, I did. It was my program Clarice was going to use, but I stopped her in V-world.”

“You were working with Clarice?”

“I don’t know. The other version of me made sure I didn’t know what they were doing.”

“And you don’t know anything about the train bombing?”

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