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2 days later

La'Nya P.O.V

So right now I'm in bed watching TV with Nyny and Tj. And I really don't know what to do today. I was thinking about putting Tj and Nyny back in school when we move, because I'm tired of watching them all day every day.

"Mommy, can we go to the park today" Nyny asked

"Umm, yea baby, you and Tj go put on yall shoes" I said

They got up and walked out of my room. I put on my shoes then grabbed my keys, phone, and purse. I walked out my room to see if they where ready.

"Yall ready" I asked them

They both nodded their heads 'yea'

"Come on" I told them

We walked out the house and walk to my car. I unlocked it and we all got in the car

"Yall buckled up" I ask

The nodded their heads 'yea'

I started my car and pulled off

"Nya are we going to celebrate Christmas this year" Tj asked

To be honest I forgot all about Christmas, with all the shit that been going on

"Ummm I don't know, yall want to celebrate Christmas this year" I asked

"Yes" they both said at the same time

"Alright, then yea" I said


We all got out of the car, and they ran straight to the swings

I laughed on how they started racing each other

"MOMMY" Nyny screamed

"Yes" I said while walking over to them

"Can you push me" she asked

I nodded my head and got behind her and started to push her on the swing

"Nya can I go play basketball with them" Tj asked pointing at the group of boys that were playing basketball

"I don't know, go ask" I told him while I still pushed Nyny

He got up off the swing and ran over to them. The boys started to talk to him then one of the boys gave Tj the basketball and they started playing

"Mommy when I get older I'm going to be a basketball player" Nyny said

"Oh really" I said

She nodded her head

"Well that's good, imma make sure I go to every single game" I told her

Then I felt a little hand tapping my leg, I look down and it was a light skin girl that look about Nyny age

Then I felt a little hand tapping my leg, I look down and it was a light skin girl that look about Nyny age

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