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Buut, the party wasn't for another week. Today they had a different power hour to film. And since Hanna and Arin liked to keep power hour activities a secret from him, he had no idea what was planned for today, other than it was probably Christmas or holiday related.

As he walked into the office, he noticed everyone at their usual stations. "Hey, everyone!" he called, as he made  his way to his desk. "The talent is here, so let's make some magic!" He flashed his trademark grin around the room before sitting down.

"Dan?" Arin called from his office.


"Power hour recording in 10."

"It's a date!" Dan called back to Arin and smiled to himself as he logged in to his computer to check his emails real quick. Dan loved their easy, flirtatious bantering.

"You bet your sweet ass it's a date," Arin said, mostly to himself, since he responded in a normal conversational tone and not necessarily loud enough for people outside of his office to hear.


"Dan, do you know what we're doing today?" Arin asked with a smirk.

Dan pushed a lock of hair out of his eye and responded, "Well, since no one ever tells me anything, I'm gonna have to say no." He tried to sound despondent for always being left out of the planning, but his laugh  and the twinkle in his eyes kinda gave that up as a farce.

"Wellllll, Dan..." Arin paused as a box came barreling towards them and slid across the table. "TODAY WE'RE MAKING GINGERBREAD HOUSES!" he all but screamed maniacally into the camera.

"Yissssss!" Dan laughed hysterically. Partially because making gingerbread houses sounded like fun, and partially because Arin being manic just always made him laugh. He watched Arin fondly as the other man ripped into the box, gingerbread, candy, and frosting going everywhere. At least right now everything was still in their individual packages, more or less.


Arin was in tears and his face hurt from laughing by the time they were done. Arin's "house" was a hot mess and Dan had tried to finagle the gingerbread into a dinosaur, but with only limited success.

As Arin survey the mess they had made, and silently apologized to Letty for the frosting in the carpet, he thought again about how filming the power hour was always his favorite part of the week. He loved all his time spent with Dan, his absolute best friend, but the power hour was always special. Dan was always touchy feely by nature, but Arin got a special tingle when he did it on camera. Arin knew the fans shipped them together, and even though their relationship hadn't really gone in that direction, he liked teasing the fans and pretending that maybe off camera more was going on than what initially met the eye. Dan being physically demonstrative, even on a friendship level, made it easy to project the illusion of something more. And Arin loved it.

"Ok, let's get the bulk of this mess cleaned up and go grab lunch." Arin was hungry.

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