Chapter 1

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Bailey POV

   My eyes snap open as a coolness rushes over me. Standing up I look around but all I see is darkness. Retaining my memory I realize that I'm in the Empty. I hear a loud voice and whip my head around.

Bailey: "who are you?"

Stranger: "the person who's putting you back to sleep"

Bailey: "why do you look like me"

Stranger: "you would be ripping your eyes out if you saw my true form and we dont want that now do we? Ok so too the point, were gonna get you back to sleep" plops her on the ground " sleep is important and I need it"

Bailey: " I need to get back to earth" stands up "people need help"

Stranger: " yes but I need sleep" lays her back down

Bailey: she stands back up " just send me back then you can sleep and not deal with me"

Stranger: " no no no, no one ever leaves" puts her back down

Bailey: " you can't make me sleep" stands up

Stranger: glares " watch me" her fists tighten

Back one earth

Jack POV

I just got in the car with Sam and Dean. I dont know why but Dean seems angry, maybe Sam did something bad. We get to a place called the Bunker which is a really big place with lots of rooms

Dean: stomps off to his room

Sam: " let's get you a room Jack" leads him down a hall

Jack: " why is Dean so angry?"

Sam: " Jack... Dean feels like he need to protect everyone and he gets made when he feels like he didnt" opens his room door " I'm a door down is you need anything" goes to his room 

Sitting on my bed I realize the real reason Dean's mad. Sam told me that my father Castiel died while I was being born. I know he misses him and I do too, I miss my mom also.

In the emty

Bailey POV

Even though my face feels like it got hit with a car I wont give up. Even though heaven dosnt want to help earth I still do. Hunter life wasn't always easy, especially since the Winchesters released Lucifer, it still had is perks

Stranger: sighs " just give up already" hits her again

Bailey: " just send me back"

Couple hours later

Stranger: " ok fine I'll send you back but next time your here you'll stay asleep, ok it?"

Bailey: nods

Bailey POV

Hearing fingers snap I open my eyes and look around seeing the real world. Feeling relieved that my face dosnt hurt like a b***h I start walking around. Eventually coming across a old door, I recognize it as the Men Of Letters and teleport in.

Dean: hearing a woosh of wings I look up and point my gun

Bailey: looks to him " Winchester....."

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