Part 1 Hospital

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Lance had given birth to a girl called Leah and is very happy. Holding her in his arms in a pink blanket and a little matching hat on her head. Hunk and Pidge were on a mission so they couldn't come to see the baby but Lance sent them photos. Keith gave Lance some presents for Leah and Shiro gave Lance flowers. "Thanks guys! Please be quiet cause Leah needs some sleep." Lance put Leah in a baby bed next to his bed to sleep. Keith was getting bored so he decided to watch some YouTube videos he loved and Shiro joined him, then Keith accidentally turned the volume up too loud and Leah woke up and cried a bit. Keith got annoyed and he got a book and threw it at Leah and Leah cried very hard! That was so mean of Keith! No one should throw things at babies! Lance was very very cross with Keith! He started to yell at Keith very badly! "YOU HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING! LEAH IS CRYING! I WAS HOPING TO HAVE A NICE AND QUIET BIRTH BUT THANKS TO YOU KEITH ITS RUINING! YOU'RE A BAD MAN! A MAN WITH NO FRIENDS OR PARENTS!" Keith ran out in tears and Shiro ran after him, he tried to catch up to him but he was too late! Keith was gone! Shiro was starting to get worried! Tears came down his face.
Meanwhile, Keith got into his red lion and flew to earth and decided to stay there forever and never come back!
Shiro went to tell Lance what happened. "Lance! Keith has ran away! I don't know where he is going and I'm getting worried!" Lance started to feel guilty as he held Leah in his arms calming her down. "Oh no! I yelled at him too badly! Poor Keith! Please Shiro we must find him!" Shiro agreed. "You stay here with Leah and I will go search for Keith!" So Shiro went to the black lion and went off to search for Keith. Will Shiro find Keith and bring him home or will he lose him forever? Find out what happens in part 2.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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