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"To expect life will treat you well because you are a good person, is like waiting for a tiger not to harm you just because you are a vegetarian." 
Bruce Lee

"Some things just need time. Nine mothers, don't make a baby in a mounth."
Warren Buffet

"The 90% of success, it's simply based on insisting."
Woody Allen

"Sometimes life is going to hit you in your head with a brick, but don't lose your faith."

Steve Jobs

THE PROFESSIONAL                                           AESTHETICS TODAY                                 

​ The client is constantly looking for new treatments esthetics, cosmetics, care and advice in the care Of  the face and body. The client is looking for today,  a qualified professional who can inform him with scientific                              arguments, always based on knowledge of anatomy, physiology,     cosmetology, and technical-aesthetic resources, which provides specific treatments for his needs. 
​A motivated beautician by his profession, is uneasy to learn, to recycle himself and to overcome the possible difficulties that this professional activity can offer, Today, with the appearance of technical courses, technologists and the most recent in the market, the Bachelor of Aesthetics, the professional will be increasingly refining and reinforcing 
that excellence in professional attitude and practice goes through good academic training.

Seriousness, scientific-technical knowledge, objectivity, ethics, motivation and love, are the basic tools techniques that the professional beautician possess to reach the success.

My intention as a passionate professional about the ESTÉ- TICA, educator by training, is focused on the human valorisation and professional: because I believe in the ability human construction, and professional construction with knowledge and passion. Facing this new technological vision, the consumer of aesthetic services seeks selectively, professionals who have differentiated and quality technical-aesthetic knowledge. The aesthetic professional who possesses intellectual, cultural capital and technical as a competitive differential tends to be differentiate in the market. Create a favorable environment, be creative, know how to manage your business, give a show in customer service, are demands of this new consumer. As we know, they will survive to this market requirement only  the best professionals, the most prepared. By this reason, I think more and more multidisciplinary work and interdisciplinary will tend to provide positive results to our client. Through this new trend, we must keep in mind that the role of the esthetician is fundamental in these interdisciplinary teams, being able to contribute in the treatments prescribed by the doctor, including opinions and suggesting complementary techniques to the treatment, enabling more effective treatments and more aesthetic performance. Today, with the evolved cosmetological technology and with the advance aesthetic technician, we obtained the support of dermatologists, plastic surgeons, endocrinologists, angiologists, etc. We are happy that there is an important request from physicians looking for qualified aesthetic professionals to act in their offices, to develop co-helpers activities ranging from a skin cleansing, with the aim of removing impurities from the skin and making possible refinements of the cornea layer, making use of authorized protocols in the exercise of the profession, going through hydrations, accompaniment of acne, manual massage, lifting cosmetics, application of some acids allowed by sanitary regulation organisms, use of eletrotherapy, to the accompaniment of a postoperative with application of the technique of lymphatic drainage.
The professional of aesthetics in the current times is a professional trained to interact in a complementary manner with different specialties, with a relationship of interlocution and harmony. Its sphere of action is determined by the other professional fields into the health sector, but its autonomy is total in regard to the process of the preservation of beauty for the physical and psychological well-being of the client. For this reason, professionalization, recognition, regulation, as well as the creation of Regional Councils and Federal Aesthetics are very important, not only to strengthen the area, but also to supervise the exercise of the         profession in what refers to the verification of the presence of the requirements demanded for excellent practices.
As an educator and teacher, I know how important it is integration of basic and professional sciences, articulation between theory and practice, using active methodologies of teaching-learning.
Our graduation course, lasting three years, it has an objective wich is the training of specialists in matters of Health, Beauty and Wellbeing, giving main emphasis to the preventive approach and restorative, presenting the most recent and innovative techniques of this segment.
All the curricular degree is supplied by diverse professionals and educators in the health sector, having as teachers to doctors, immunologists, pharmacists, cosmetologists, beauticians, physiotherapists, administrators, biologists, physicists, etc. The proposal of the course is to enable the student have a critical and entrepreneurial vision, making it capable of manage its own business of aesthetic facial and body services.
Pedagogical, administrative and experiential models differentiated and pioneers, awakens in this student greater creativity, optimizing a differentiated performance, in a market every more competitive time.
Diego Tomatis's initiative in writing this book comes to meet the needs that Latin America has for to professionalize our aesthetics area, I am certain that It will provoke deep debate and I think it is a great initiative.
I congratulate you and count on us from Brazil.
   We will have taken a big step in the quality and preservation of health and good service to our client, when keep in mind that: "Give life to the years, it's worth a lot more the pain that to give years to the life ".
Professor Maria de Fátima Lima Pereira Beautician and Pedagogue / Technical Consultant Director of Esthetic Pro & Cosmetology Scientific Curator of the International Congress of        Aesthetics of Les Nouvelles Esthetiques
Profa. of the Graduation Course in Aesthetics of the University Anhembi Morumbi-Laurete
International Universities,Saint Paul. 
Master in Communication of the Anhembi University Morumbi       

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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