Day 1

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i wake up early one morning i fall over and almost fall back to sleep but then i sit bult up remembering to day is the day the first day. the first day of my 8th grade experience that means that one year till... HIGH SCHOOL i don't know if this high school will be good or bad some say BEST TIME EEVER XD some say hate it home work collage friends family to much going on ); but idk. unf thinking lets get ready!!! first eat then shower brush teeth bush hair make up outfit dome now 20 mins until time to leave what to do lets do INSTAGRAM #addicted... 20 short mins later. Pepper time to go my mom calls "ok cuming" i grab my new fully stoked backpac lunch and peruse and lets go \(≧∇≦)/... at school... omg i am hear hear 8th grade i skan the feald seeing new and old faces then I see my bff hanna hanging with my other BFF's and her new boy Fend zach which I TOTLY saw coming. I run as fast as I can sneak up and *half kill her in a hug* the the same to Stella and nattily and say HI GOOD TO SEE YOU HOW WAS SUMMER?!?!?! ....five min later.... I look over my shoulder to see the cutest boy ever coming out of a car ♡ will ♡ I shy and whisper to Hanna look

This is me the author please mind the spelling and grammar mistakes I know it is wearied but it is my first so ya

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