Be Mine

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*Warning smut ahead*
When we walked into Ashers house his dad was sitting on the couch. Ive never been a big fan of Mr. Adams he has always given off a dickish vibe and seeing him now it hasn't changed.

"Dad this is Cara I dunno if you remember her or not. Shes gonna stay over tonight make sure I'm up and stuff for the game tomorrow." I smiled when Asher pulled me up the stairs and into his room. "I'll get you a shirt to sleep in so you can get out of that dress. Do you want a pair of shorts or anything?" I laughed.

"No just a shirt is fine. What should we watch? Horror or comedy?"

"Uh you pick ill order pizza. Chicken good with you?" I nodded my head yes as he started the order on his phone.

"Yea its good." I bent over and undid the clasp on my shoes carefully tossing them into a corner. "Hey Asher before you order do you think you could maybe help me out of this I can't get the zipper?" He looked up at me and slowly got off the bed walking up to me. I turned away so my back was facing him and pulled my hair out of the way. I felt his hands lightly touch my back and felt the goosebumps rise as he slowly slid the zipper down. He slid his hands back up my sides to my shoulders and pulled my dress straps down my arms letting the dress pool at the bottom of my feet. I turned back to face him.

"Cara I don't think I can stop myself from going any further if you don't hurry and put that shirt on." He said running his tongue across and biting his lip. I smirked and closed the distance between us.

"I already told you that you didnt have to stop. Neither of us are drunk we're both aware of what were doing. Unless you don't want this." I said going to reach for the shirt but before I could reach it Asher grabed my arm and pulled me back into his smashing his lips onto mine. I tugged at the hem of his shirt to let him know I want in off when he broke the kiss to pull it off I undid his belt and upziped his pants letting him step out of them. His lips met mine again as he reached around and up did the clasp of my bra letting it fall yo the floor; without breaking the kiss my hands flowing to his briefs and I pushed them down as I walked ashers backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed and pushed him down. He slid off my underwear before pulling me on top of him, one hand around my waist the other on my cheek holding my face while we made out his tongue begging for entrance which was quickly granted. After a minute or two he pulled back the lust in his eyes making his bright eyes so much darker.

"You sure you want this babygirl? Theres no going back after." I nodded my head.

"Asher please." He flipped us over paying my back on the bed a small gasp leaving my lips. "Your gonna have to be quiet do you think you can do that Cara huh can you be quiet for me." He whispered into my ear his breath fanning over onto my neck.

"Yea I can do that just please Asher please do something." He got up from the bed and walked to the door locking it before coming back to me he kneeled down at the edge of the bed and pulled me to him. Before I even had time to process his tongue was working magic over my clit. I tossed my head back and bit my lip to supress a moan. As he continued it was getting harder for me to control the noises threatening to leave my throat. I grabed into ashers hair stopping him from continuing, he looked up at me and ithout me even saying a word he knew what I wanted. He reached into the drawer of his bed side table pulling out a condom and ripping it open with his teeth. I swear I dont know why but it was so hot to see. He rolled it over his very well endowed length he looked to me once more for permission to which I nodded yes before slowly sliding into me. I let my eyes roll back as he let me adjust before starting to rock his hips back and forth small means already starting to slip through my lips. Asher brought a hand to my mouth slipping two fingers in to gag me to suppress the noises. I swirled my tongue around each finger before sucking on them earning a low growl from Asher. Then there was a knock making Asher pause.

"Hey Asher?"

"Uh yea dad?"

"Dont forget you're got a big game tomorrow. Im hitting the sheets. And please of the two of you do anything use a rubber at least and keep it down." I giggled then asher continued to thrust into me.

"Yea okay dad whatever night." Asher picked up his pace as he started thrusting harder and his hand moved from my face to my neck where he squeezed just enough to cut off the right amount of air flow. "Cum for me baby. Can you do that huh?" I could feel my walls starting to tighten around him, my nails digging into his back.

"Oh Asher fuck I don't think I can keep quiet I don't-" he cut me off smashing his lips back onto mine shoving his tongue in my mouth right before we both reached our climaxs his mouth swallowing the moans leaving mine. He pulled out and rolled over onto his back.

"God damn. I don't know about you but honestly CJ that was some of the best sex I've ever had. Where have you been?" I smiled as I got up from the bed.

"Well I've been gone obviously but I'm here now. How about that pizza?" He smiled and grabed his phone placing the order. "Can I uh take a shower?" He laughed standing up and grabbing a towel from his closet.

"Yea go for it and don't forget to put on my shirt." I smiled taking the shirt from his hands.
Tonight was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. We ate and laughed and before I knew it I was waking up earlier than wanted to go help Olivia. I wrote Asher a note so hed know I wasn't just ditching, but before leaving his room I grabed his practice jersey off of his chair to wear to the game.
Olivia and I were walking to the front of the bleachers so we could have a good view of Jordan and Asher and the rest of the team.

"So you spent the night with Asher huh? How was that?" I smiled and shook my head my face heating up instantly. "Oh my god you did it didn't you? End you're that's he's practice jersey"

"Yea I snuck it from him this morning I wanted to show some support." Just then before she could say any more the team ran across the field as everyone yelled praises. Thank god! I spotted JJ first and waved and then I spotted asher, he took his helmet off and jogged over to the fence where Olivia and I were standing.

"You know CJ if you wanted to wear my jersey you coulda just asked. It looks good on you by the way." He smirked before kissing my cheek and heading back to the team.

"Oh my god you two are just too much god are you gonna lock him down now? Like officially?" I laughed at her and bit my lip.

"Shut up and watch the damn game loser. But to answer your question in gonna try." We both laughed before our focus went back on the game. It was a great game really close twords the end but of course we won! Thanks to JJ and Asher hell even Spencer. We all took off for the field when the riff blew the whistle. Asher ran up to me and picked me up spinning me around before kissing me with so much passion I was speechless.

"Be mine Cara please? I think you might even be my good luck charm and besides you look so good sporting my number. I like you a lot like a lot a lot." I smiled letting out a small giggle before crashing my lips back onto his.

"Well 83 is my lucky number Mr. Adams so I suppose I could handle being your girlfriend. On one condition though." I smirked.

"Anything." He said.

"I get to wear one of your jerseys for every game and maybe even practices." He smiled.

"Youve got yourself a deal Princess. Now shut the hell up and kiss me we all have something to celebrate tonight!"

And that was the beginning of something that neither Asher nor Cara could begin to understand how special it would become. A strong bind being built.

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