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Last time on Love for Blesiv's Baby Pt.2 FINALE
A part Of me keeps thinking about what it would be like to be a family again.Me and Alex would be cuddling in the bed while Adriana is laying with us. I need to stop thinking about him I love jesse. In fact I'll tell him I'll move in with him.
You walk into Jesse's place with boxes with your stuff in it.
Jesse: What's all this
Y/n: I will be moving in with you
Jesse: That's great Babyyy

*He hugs you. Then you went to pick up Adriana and she smiles. You kiss her all over her face which causes her to giggle. You put her back in the couch with her toys.

Y/n: Hey I had a party to go to tonight but I just thought it wouldn't be for the best
Jesse: You never turn down a party
Y/n: I know but I actually saw Alex today
You saw an annoyed look on his face but it went away quickly
Jesse: And
Y/n: He was gonna be at the party but I'm not going
Jesse: Don't not go because of me. I trust you Y/n. It's him I don't trust
Y/n: You have nothing to worry about
Jesse: Okay now get dressed okay.
Party outfit

You went to kiss him but he backs up

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You went to kiss him but he backs up.

Jesse: What are you wearing
Y/n: Clothes, I gotta go
Jesse: Nah change that's too showy
Y/n: Don't you trust me.
Jesse: ....I do
Y/n: I'll be back

Jesse: Much betterYou kiss him

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Jesse: Much better
You kiss him. And he deepens the kiss as if he thinks Alex is gonna steel me Like Jesse did when I was with Alex.

Jesse's POV
I don't want her leaving me. I don't trust Alex at all. I can't let him take her
End of POV

At the party
When you walked in you realjzed there wasn't alot of people here in fact it was barely people there. Carlos walks by

Y/n: Carlos wth is this. It's definitely not a party
Carlos: Did I say party. I meant a reunion. Help yourself to the snacks in the living room.
When he walks off you bolt towards the door but you heard a voice call your name. It was....

I'm too lazy Imma just get on with the story

Leilani: Y/n????
Y/n: Leilani, I miss you so much.
Leilani: Me too. I thought this was a party
Y/n: Same apparently it's a reunion
Leilani: What does he have planned???
Y/n: I wish I knew


What do you think he has planned??Don't forget to FOLLOW VOTE and COMMENT

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