5 - Something New

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Rebecca woke up startled by her alarm. She groggily got out of bed and went into Rose's room to wake her up. "Rose, time to wake up pretty girl"

Slowly the little girl opened her eyes and was getting out of bed. Both girls were not the best in the morning they were more of night owls so it took a while for both girls to function properly. They also require food and so they ate.

"Rose, you are going over to Makenzie's again today"

"Yaaaay!" Rose yelled out very excited to see her aunt again.

The girls were soon in the car and dropping off Rose at Makenzie's. Rebecca was quick then to leave not wanting to have any more questions from Makenzie about today.

At around 10:50 Rebecca was already at the café so she decided to get a nice tea while she waited for the rowdy boys. Soon though the boys arrived and Awsten was quick to spot her and gave a quick wave while heading over to her.

"Well Rebecca, this is Otto and Geoff my best friends that I secretly hate" while speaking Awsten was pointing to a boy with long brown frizzy hair and then to another boy with short brown hair swept up, both of these boys had nose rings but on opposite sides. Rebecca couldn't help but notice that the boys were still energetic even when sitting down especially Awsten, he seemed to keep moving his legs.

While sitting at the table together the boys and Rebecca made small talk. Talking about their interests and passions. She soon learnt that the boys were very much into music, like her, but they had a band together and were doing pretty well. Rebecca made a mental note to listen to their music as the band was called Waterparks and they had just released an album. She also learnt that the boys were around the same age as her and all of them were in relationships. The boys were very funny and idiots but that's why she liked them so much.

After a full 3 hours spent at the cafe, the boys had to go to band practice so they all gave Rebecca their numbers to keep in contact. When the boys left, Rebecca looked in her phone and saw that they had each saved their contacts names very strangely. Geoff naming himself; MA NAMES GEOFF, Otto named himself; THE Wood, and finally, Awsten named himself; PROBLEMATIC DAD. Their names made Rebecca chuckle and realise how these boys were quick to show their true colours.

While walking back home Rebecca decided to text each of the boys and make a group chat to ensure they all had her number.

Rebecca to MA NAMES GEOFF:
Hey it's Rebecca JEFF ;)

Rebecca to THE Wood:
It's Rebecca THE Wood :)

Well, I'm trying to be problematic so it's YA BOI!

Rebbca to YA BOI AND DE BOIS (group chat with MA NAMES GEOFF, THE Wood and PROBLEMATIC DAD):


Hey all sorry for the late update but I'm currently on holidays and will be for a while so updates may be late or not happening but I will try my hardest. Have a good day :)

- Hobbit xo

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