Dear Mr. Addams

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Dear Mr. Addams,

You should have stayed retired. It seems weird to tell a dead man that. I suppose I'm writing this out of frustration. I think I'll keep referring to you as though I didn't kill you.

I must ask a few questions though. Do you remember refusing to teach a woman? Do you remember me embarrassing you in front of your students? Do you remember the exact words I used to allude everyone to your lack of education? Do you remember what it felt like to choke on your own words? Quite literally if I do recall correctly.

I remember. I remember shoving the phrase "Women have always and will always be uneducated children bearers." down your throat. It was exhilarating. Watching you gag and choke on your own words while you knelt before me was a sight I will never forget.

I thank you for your stupidity. It's a shame... Most men are more clever than they know. If only you were one of them. They say I'm a man killer. They ignore the fact that I killed more women than men. Then again they never found all of the bodies. Men like you were why I killed at all. Women who thought like you just added to the cause. If only you were smarter.

Rest well,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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