Anniversary & Engagement: Girl Talk

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Anniversary & Engagement: Girl Talk

~ At the private room of Shan Cai in the Dao Ming Residence ~
SC: Okay. We’re alone now. Xiao You, is there something you and Xi Men are not telling us?
XY: Shan Cai, it’s between me and Xi Men only. I’m sorry but I can’t tell you about it.
SC: Oh no. Don’t tell me you did it with him?!XY: Uh… well…
XY: SHH! Be quiet.
SC: Oh. Sorry. So that’s why Xi Men proposed to you?
XY: Something like that.
SC: Be honest with me Xiao You. Did Xi Men force you into doing it?
XY: No. It’s the other way around actually.
SC: What do you mean?
XY: I was the one who asked Xi Men that we do it. I gave myself to him as a gift. I want to treasure myself with him.
SC: Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?
XY: (laughs) I love him. It’s only natural for us to be intimate that way.
SC: But aren’t you scared at all?
XY: No. I completely trust Xi Men. He was so thoughtful and gentle towards me last night.
SC: (sarcastically) How nice of him then.
XY: (laughing) You’re worse than my mom. She didn’t even ask me where I was last night or why I didn’t come home til lunch time today. She was so happy with the roses and when I told her our good news.
SC: Okay. I know I’m overreacting. It’s only because I know Xi Men and what he used to be.
XY: You worry too much. Did you know that Xi Men didn’t want to do it last night? He said he’s fine the way things are between us. He doesn’t want me to think doing it is obligatory in our relationship. But I convinced him otherwise.
SC: Your power of love for Xi Men is worrisome for me. And somehow I fear for Xi Men than you.
XY: (laughs) Well, this should calm you down. He made me promise we won’t do it again until we’re married.
SC: Xi Men made you promise that?
XY: Yes. That’s how he ended up proposing to me this morning.
SC: That’s so unlike Xi Men. I guess you’ve really changed him, Xiao You.
XY: I guess I did.
SC: Then, let me congratulate you once again. Xiao You, congratulations! I am sincerely happy for you and Xi Men.
XY: Thank you. (hugs each other) So you’ll be my maid of honor then?
SC: Of course!


© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: September ? & 26, December 14, 2018

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