The missing jewel to the queens crown

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Down the cobble stone streets a woman ran, her raven hair flying out behind her and a baby in her arms. If she didn't hurrry the palace guards would find her and end her life very quickly, The hoofs of horses pounded the ground from behind her as she picked up speed.

Her dress caught under her feet and she hit the ground, the child slipped out of her hands and slid on the ice into a dark cornor between two houses. The palace guards grabbed the woman by her hair and dragged her over to the horses, They threw her on the back of the horse and sped out of the village towards the grand castle.

The next morning the streets filled with people and market stalls, the baby lay forgotten in the alley way. People past her for hours and never even noticed the small infant, Noon came and went and the evening came and the dark clouds covered the purple sky, the moon came out and the tiny infant began to cry.

A man followed the sound of the crying infant and walked into the alley way, He gasped and picked up the small child. He looked into her green eyes and and touched the soft tuft of chesnut hair, He hid the child in his cloakand walked quickly toward his small home.

The mans wife opened the door and he rushed in, She looked at him and covered her mouth with her weathered hands as he pulled the young babe out from the warmth of the cloak and into the light of the house. The wife opened her arms the husband passed her the child and smiled as his wife's face lite up.

The child grabbed one of the wife's fingers and held it in her tiny hand and looked up at the woman with adoration. The woman looked up at her husband and she said "what's her name?" her husband replied "I found her in the alleyway, i have no idea what her name is", His wife nodded and held the child up in the air and set her down on a fresh set of lambs wool.

The baby quickly fell asleep and the wife turned back to her husband and took his hand as she spoke, "you found the child, Damon you will be the one to name her", Her husband nodded and got into his bed clothes, he laid beside his wife and turned to face her, "i will give her a name when i find one that suits her well"

The missing jewel to the queens crownWhere stories live. Discover now