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Ugh another day waiting for him.Another day of waiting for Jisung to comeback and visit.Why can't just my parents let me go to Seoul?!I'm not a little kid anymore!

"Y/N!Go take a shower and go down here!!!" My brother,Baekhyun shout from downstairs

I rush to the bathroom then take a shower

After 20 minutes of getting ready....

I go already go downstairs

"Good morning yinnie!!"my brother,Baekhyun greet me
"Good morning oppa!!" I greet back

In the middle of eating our breakfast I notice that seems like our parents are not here or not even showing this morning.

"Oppa~" I said to get his attention

"Yes?"he said looking at me

" Where's mom and dad?I didn't see them this morning?"I ask
"Oh,I forgot to tell you that they are having a meeting about the company." He answer honestly

"What about the company?" I ask,all confused
"Well the company is moving to Seoul bec-" I cut him off after
hearing the word SEOUL

"WHAT?!SEOUL!!WHEN!!TELL ME!!TELL ME!!" I shout at him without me realisin it

"Yah!One question....Why are you so excited?" He ask,curiously
"I want to see JISUNG!!!!" I shouted again
"OK!OK!OK! I'll stop asking just stop shouting at my ears." He said
"And can you just finish your food or else we're going to be late" he added

Magical time skip to school.....

"Students listen!" The teacher shout to get the class' attention
"I have an announcement." The students got nervous and ready theirselves mentally incase it's about an upcoming exam

But guess what.
They're wrong.

"We don't have any classes next 2 weeks because of principal's personal reason." The teacher announce calm
"Now let's start our lesson" then the teacher start the lesson

Magical time skip to lunch (a/n:sorry I'm just a little bit tired😅)

"Y/n!!!!!" My best friend,Jeongin shouted

He's waving at me and gesture me to sit with him

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He's waving at me and gesture me to sit with him

"Hey Y/n!" Jeongin said
"Why you look sad?" He ask me worried
"Well I heard that our company will move to Seoul" I said
He hummed signaling me to continue
"And i'm not sure when we're moving and if we are coming back again" I added

"What's wrong?Aren't you happy?you already can see the boy you've been talking about,your bestfriend jisung?"

"Yeah but I not sure if I can see you again" then my vision get blurried then without noticing tears fell on my cheeks

"Yah.y/n I know you're strong.Don't worry I promise you I will find you and that promise is the promise that I will keep and do." He assured me

"Don't cry I'm always here for you and wait I want to give you this bracelet so I can find you easily okay?Don't lose it for me okay?" He said

I nodded and hug him and said

"I promise too that I will not forget you jeongin and remember too that I'm there at your side no matter what.And I will promise to that I will not lose your bracelet." Then the bell rang

After school ....

I waited for jeongin for some minutes until he go outside the school gate and ran to him

"Jeongin!"I shout as I ran to him.
" You waited for me??"he asked
"Yes cause I want to take you to the arcade and have a good time" I said

"Then let's go!" He grabbed my wrist and ran
"Yah!Jeongin i'm not a fast runner!!" I shout while laughing

I really enjoy this being with my bestfriend just like me and JISUNG used to do

~time skipped to moving to seoul~

"Yah!Jeongin don't forgot to text me okay?" I said
"Yeah of course I will not forgot that" he said smiling

Then our flight is being called I cry in jeongin's shoulder as I hug him

I really want to confess but I think confessing can take time but I think not now cause I don't want to break our friendship


A/n:I'm sorry if it look like Jeongin of stray kids fan fiction but I promise next time that I will make I more about Jisung

~~bye bye~~

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