Chapter 1

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My iPod buzzed in my pocket. It was Daquan, I gave him my email for iMessage the last day of 3rd grade. Although it feels like I'm a side hoe, Daquan told me I'm his main. I love that boy.

Daquan's 4'4, tall for our age. He tells me that he's really big down south, he has a lot of fans in Texas and where down south is I guess. He lives in the ghetto and does ghetto manly things. I heard that Daquan stays up past 10pm! I'm trying to be more like him, so Rachel won't stand a chance. When my mom thinks I'm sleeping I'm actually texting him and playing spa apps. Dumb bitch. Brown curly hair sits atop his head, his skin is a carmel color. He's ghetto af but at the same time he's the most caring boyfriend in the world. Last night he threw rocks at my window but he's so mad strong that he broke it. I haven't told my mom yet. Dumb bitch. She thinks he's a bad influence, I think he's sexy. Like Justin Beiber, more famous though. Especially in the south, he's a really big thing down there. Trending on twitter all the time. I try to tell them he's my man but he's too badass.

Daquan asked me to meet him at the beach in 15 minutes. He sneaks out all the time. Speaking of time, it's 9:00pm. We have 45 minutes before I have to get home. My mom doesn't let me stay out with him after Daquan got caught swearing. Dumb bitch.

New Message To: Daquan my bae

Which bathing suit should I wear?

iMessage: Daquan my bae

Tankini 💋

I'd have to wear a dress over it. Daquan taught me how to sneak out the window and put pillows in my bed to make it look like I'm there. He's the smartest boy I know. Charming, ghetto, badass, and hot. Every 4th grader's dream; am I right??! I pulled a pink ruffled bathing suit out of my chestnut dresser. Engraved into the left corner were the letters D + S. Lipstick stains my Harry Styles poster from where I'd practiced kissing for him. Maybe tonight will be the night. When Daquan finally makes his move, when he kisses me. I've only been kissed by him once, it was on the hand after I heard Rachel did the thing with him. Daquan is such a hopeless romantic. That's what I love about him. Plus the fact that he's ghetto af.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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