♛𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒: 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝑜𝓃♛

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Heine Wittgenstein, the Royal Tutor had seen his fair share of oddities. Due to the course of his friendship with Viktor von Granzreich and the role of watching over four of his sons. Each had such an outgoing personality with their own strengths and weaknesses. His job was to make them well rounded able rulers for good measure.

Though one thing bothered him from time to time. The two eldest princes hadn't been around for the last two months he had been teaching. Viktor had mentioned the eldest, Eins, was away and living at an Estate whereas he merely commented that 'Gabe will be around' with a small smile.

Prince Gabriel von Granzerich had hardly ever been seen by anyone, he was thought to be an antisocial outcast who always held a slight look of menace when he looked at people.

His brothers, when mentioned, denied the accusation with such force that Heine was taken back. Kai was perhaps the firmest sounding, a protective look falling into his gaze at Heine. 

Henie casually backed off the situation and returned to the lesson at hand with the four. He was surprised, however, when the lesson ended and all four stayed seated.

"Has anyone seen Gabe-Nii-Sama lately?" Leonhard asked, with a somewhat sad look to him. 

"Father says he comes and goes, and not to worry about it," Bruno reminded them. 

Heine gave them quite a curious glance, it was apparent that they missed Prince Gabriel but it almost seemed if he wanted to vanish.

"AH! THE PRINCE IS HURT!" The feminine voice of a maid screamed across the palace. 

All four princes took off at a sprint towards the voice, Heine following closely behind. Kai and Leonhard had taken the lead but suddenly stopped causing both Bruno and Licht to crash into them. Heine walked around the side as the brothers yelled heatedly at each other.

"Nii-San," Kai muttered, a look of worry crossing his face.

A man with long dark hair and brilliant blue eyes stood at the attention of three maids who were all flusteredly throwing him questions while trying to pull him away. He didn't say anything but grimaced as he acknowledged his brothers. 

So this was Prince Gabriel, what a character to suddenly appear with an injury of a sort. Heine thought.

"Excuse me, but I'm quite fine. It's a small scratch, nothing to worry about. I accidentally walked into a stone wall and caught my arm," the Prince smoothly lied.

Kai and Bruno caught onto the lie as well, the younger two were more in shock of seeing their elder brother again.

"Gabe!" A small cry echoed from the group before they ran at Gabriel. 

Said Prince looked rather frightened at the mass of humans running towards him with open arms but didn't miss the flash of blue before the four landed in a hug. 

"Father," Gabriel's annoyed voice could be heard before a guilty chuckle. 

Quickly, the four princes let go to reveal King Viktor hugging his son. He had gotten in before the princes. 

"Now," Viktor said as he pulled away and put on a serious face, "what's this about you being hurt?" 

"As I said, Father, I merely clipped a wall on my way past. Nothing major," Gabriel shrugged. 

He looks like his father but with dark hair, Heine thought with a sweatdrop. 

As Bruno and Leonhard delved into a conversation about Gabriel's capability of running into walls and the resulting injury, the prince took his chance to sneak around a corner. 

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