(A/N: the bold words are author notes and the italicized words are the inside thoughts of the character) (there will be a few more new characters so don't worry)
《Hoseok's phone》
Hoseok: hey
Hoseok: im bored
Hoseok: heyyyy
Hoseok: wake up alreadyyyyy
Hoseok: arghh
Yoongi: i hate u
Hoseok: yeyyy he's awake
Yoongi: you woke me up hdu
Yoongi: its too fucking early
Hoseok: its okay you slept early last night
Yoongi: idc omg i hate uuuuu
Hoseok: i love you toooo
Yoongi: stfu
Hoseok: we have classes today what are you so angry for?
Yoongi: its only 4 and our classes is 7 why did you wake me up i couldve slept 2 more hours
Hoseok: then sleep again whats the prob?
Yoongi: if you wake me up from a long sleep, i will not be able to sleep anymore even if i wanted to
Hoseok: oh okay so sorry for that lololol
Change Yoongi's username? 《Yes 》- No
Sleepyhead: dont lololol me
Hoseok: well i have done my homework in social studies hbu?
Sleepyhead: we must have the same class in social studies
Hoseok: rlly?
Sleepyhead: maybe but im not sure
Sleepyhead: well we have the same homework in social studies
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Sleepyhead: stop sending pics of yourself
Hoseok: why not?
Hoseok: do you perhaps like me?
Sleepyhead: we havent even talked in person smh
Hoseok: im bi
Sleepyhead: i didnt ask but okay
Hoseok: stop being savage
Sleepyhead: im a natural savage so i cant control it
Sleepyhead: btw i need to go shower now cyalater
Hoseok: what? its too early
Sleepyhead: thats what i said earlier and you didnt listen
Hoseok: aww bye see u in class
Sleepyhead: whatever bye
Hoseok: byeee
~(Skip to social studies class brought to you by me the potato)~
Sleepyhead: hahaha i see youu
Hoseok: what the fuck where are u
Sleepyhead: you can try to find me lol (im not acc gonna let this guy see me so poor him)
Hoseok: i hate uuu~
Hoseok: stop bothering me!
*hoseok looked around the room for someone using their phone but yoongi quickly put down his phone as soon as he sent his last message.*
Sleepyhead: you poor lost puppy
Hoseok: stfu im working here
Sleepyhead: well i needed revenge for what u did to me earlier
Sleepyhead: jk i have nothing to do im bored help me out
Hoseok: wut just do your work
Hoseok: stop being lazy and be responsible lols
Hoseok: bitch reply
Sleepyhead: i hate u you woke me up
Sleepyhead: and no i won't do my work master
Hoseok: tf dont call me master
Sleepyhead: then let me be daddy~
Hoseok: bitch what
Hoseok: dont call me daddy wtf thats worse
Sleepyhead: what you have a daddy kink now or smth?
Hoseok: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no
*the bell rings*
Sleepyhead: oh okay bye now gotta go home and sleep forever