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At the beginning of time, the sky god Urtherious and his other godly siblings ruled over the cosmos. Each god had a sacred animal, and Urtherious had chosen the cat, an agile and strong warrior. But as time went on, he watched as the feline species got weaker, and so did his power.

So in an attempt to save his sacred animals from extinction, he created a city hidden in the clouds, and it was named Cloud City. He called forth his ten heavenly tigers and turned them into stone, but they would always be watching, waiting for the moment cloud city is discovered, and would protect the city with their lives.

With the last of his energy, Utherious teleported one thousand of the worlds strongest cats to the city, and appointed his daughter, Madeline, who was able to speak to cats, to watch over the city as the protector.

With his final task done, Utherious could see that he had done all that he could, and so with his final breaths he  dragged himself down into the darkest chambers of the castle and turned himself to stone, preserving his energy for when he would need it the most, the day his enemy Supeina, the land goddess, whose sacred animal was a dog, would discover the city. Then he promised himself, then he would be ready.

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