Part 6

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Yoongi woke up the next day around noon so he did not bother going to school even more with the pain he is felling slowly he picked himself up out of the blood cover sheets shuffling into the boring bathroom to take a shower pulling off his clothes he winced at the pain of the cloth brushing against his wounds

after successfully taking a hot shower he dried his hair laying back on the bed garbing his phone it buzzed in his hand be unlocked it looking at the several unread messages and miss calls most from Hoseok but several from Jin and the others

he huffed and threw his phone down rolling onto his side curling up

" why do they care" he mumbles out before falling asleep again with tears rolling down his face

---- after school hoseok pov----

" everyone is here right" jin ask doing a head count " yeah" Namjoon says putting his half-empty water bottle up " alright Namjoon you lead the way you know where his house it " Jin says falling behind everyone "are you sure this is a good idea" Jimin ask holding onto Jungkooks hand while Jungkooks other hand was occupied with Taehyungs large hand

" we have to help him we can't leave him alone, I say tightening the grip on my backpack " if you say so" Jimin mumbles shifting his gaze to the ground

----time skip----

It's almost like the weather knows what's happening the sky got darker as we were walking. by now you would think its almost 9 o'clock when it's barely even 4. The clouds were also heavy with rain waiting for it to be let go

I look into the driveway realizing that only Yoongi's car is home which is a good sign we open the gate to his dead yard hearing it creek in the silence " this is creepy" Jungkook says shivering clinging onto Taehyung more while Jimin pouts

we walk further into the yard standing right in front of his door I hold up my hand to knock but I hesitate something in me is screaming not to go in but I let my hand go hearing the sound echo through the house

we stand there for a few minutes no hearing anything, not even the wind I knock again but still there was nothing " we did not think this far did we" I clear out a forced laugh turning around to the others " under the potted plant right there Namjoon says pointing to the dead plant that looked like it had been there for years

I pick it up seeing a rusted house key. I grin garbing pushing it into the door hearing the gears turning I push open the door walking in as everyone crowns into the hallway no one breaths

its a mess chairs sideways on the floor broken glass everywhere the entire house reeked of beer and blood. Namjoon walks ahead of me dispersing into the dark hallway ahead of us

eventually, we follow behind everything either looked exactly the same run down or cover in dry blood we get to the end of the hall seeing Namjoon standing in front of a surprisingly white door

he breaths in and out before he pushes opens the door just like before we all shuffle in not being able to really see anything someone flicks on the light we turn to our left to see Yoongi curl up in a ball on a bed that looked nowhere near comfortable

he is wearing a black T-shirt and grey sweatpants all over his arms you can see bruises and scars also where his shit and raise a little in his sleep are even more " I guess it really is true" Jimin says with tears rolling down his face others getting there

Im the first on to move from there spot I walk over to Yoongi squatting down to his level his left cheek had a defined bruise and dry tears on them " do we wake him" I ask quietly hoping he is not a light sleeper

" what else are we supposed to do," Taehyung says

slowly I raise my hand putting it on his shoulder ever so carefully I shake him not wanting to break him like a piece of glass Yoongi turns over in his bead brushing off my hand

"Yoongi wake up," I say but he does not move I say it louder and nothing happens I say it for the last time saying it as loud as I can without screaming while also shaking him

he jolts up backing against the corner covering his head "Yoongi it's just us your okay" he uncovers his head locking eyes with me as tears run down his face

" why are you here, asks ask quietly 

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