part 1

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Your probably wondeing why I'm here...
I was taken...
I didn't come here willingly...
And don't forget that....

I was taken in the night, brought here with my sisters.
I was taken because I'm different.
Not like everyone else, not like them.

Because unlike them I have stark red hair that , blue eyes as dark as night. No one wants a princess that looks like a villain.

Or at least, that's what the said when they hid me from the crowds. Kept me locked in the towrs of the palace.

Locked away while my sisters greeted the people. My sister's were allowed to go greet the crowds because they were of course as any princess should be, absolutely, boringly, perfect. Shining blue eyes, golden blond hair, and fair complexion.

They were the perfect princesses.

There was no explanation as to why they were taken, other than to meet their future husband in a daring rescue by none other than Prince charming.

So when the prince's came they fought valiantly, my sister's playing the perfect damsels in distress.

Naturally they were saved and the kingdom rejoiced to see their beautiful heirs home safely.

Of course, what everyone was forgetting, was that there was still one princess who had not who haf Not been saved. For, who would want yo save an ugly duckling.

No one saved the ugly duckling so why should they save me...

So naturally, I grew to be bitter and cold hearted, waiting as instructed by fairy tales passed down generation by generation, to wait for my Prince charming to save me.

Eventually he came....
But it was to late...the princess he had come to save was no more...

When he asked why I had waited rather than go back I ripped out his throat, and realised that the princess once kept hidden away from the world was now like the man lying bleeding out in front of me, dead.

When I returned the kingdom, I found that I was no longer welcome.
My once close sisters, seem to had forgotten of my existence completely and didn't recognise me. But they recognised the stories, the stories of a villain who lived in the woods and tipped put the throats of princes.

And soon after returning, I left knowing that the princesses who were once my susters that i loved dearly, would be princesses no more.

I left knowing that once upon a time I was a princess in a castle and kingdom that didn't want me, and now I was simply a villain.

I realised that my part in my story was to never be saved by a dashing Prince, or rule a kingdom with a king at my side, no, it was to be the villain to someone else's story, and so, it was never really my story at all. This isn't my story. Who would want a story about a villain.

No one loves to hear about villains, no one loves villains in general.

Eventually I was hunted down by the precious prince's I once thought to be the heroes, now knowing they are nothing more than selfish rulers of selfish kingdoms.

I died knowing that not all villains are truly bad from the beginning, none at all really, but in fact, the villains and bad guys that everyone hates, were just the princessses that were never saved by a prince, never had the chance to play the damsel in distress, the villains are the princesses that were never loved.

The villains are the heroines that grew never being loved or cared for, and so, forgot how to love at all...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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