Chapter 2

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"I'm home," I say to my apparently empty house. Huh, I guess nobody's home.


"JACKSON! You're an ass," jackson is my little brother. He is in 9th grade, only a year younger than me, he is what you would call a playing tool. He has slept with basically all the freshman and sophmore in the school. He calls himself a 'sex god' but I call him a ' annoying, dirty, lying, douchey, asshole, tool.' It's pretty disgusting considering my room is right next to his...

"Oh don't pretend you don't want me," Jackson said.

"Ewww, gross, you're ugly," not really he actrully looks exactly like Tom Daley. <3 But still it's disgusting.

"oh thats not what your best friend said last week."

"OHMYGOD!! You said you wouldn't do that to my friends."

"Hey, babe, calm down she came on to me." He said putting his arn around my shoulder.

"I don't give a shit! Stay away from my friends!" I said pushing him away.


Welll??? What do you think? Should I continue ?

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Courtney Rae <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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