I loved your glossy brown hair.
I loved your green eyes, that always seemed to glint at exactly the right moment.
I loved your soft, deep voice, that always seemed to calm me down.
I loved how I could hear your laugh from miles away.
I loved your smile, that showed how happy you really were.
I loved you body, your muscles on your arms.
I loved your height and your clothes and your smell and your nose and your lips and your freckle on your knee.
I loved how you always made me smile.
I loved how much I loved you.
I smile because of the presence of you in my life.
This is the first time I've smiled while thinking about you in ages. I smile because of your memory. It doesn't fade because your gone.
I miss your presence in my life.
Because I still love you.
And I smile about it.
Even though you're gone.