how it started

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(I choose a random song)
September 1, 2018
"Hey Don't you ride the same bus as me,"  I asked the short boy with brown hair and brown eyes.
"Yeah I think so," he replied with an British accent," Im from Great Britain, names Matt."
"Ella Presley,"I say,"I need to catch up with my triplets."
"So your a triplet,"he says.
"Yeah,bye,"I say.
"Bye see you later,"he says.

Little while later in homebase

When I got to home base I herd my name being said.
  " hey I Know you,"Matt said pointing to me.
  " hey I Know you,"I  said pointing to him.

Ever since that day we've done that...

Word count:123
Basically this story is how I met mtly boyfriend

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