Chapter 2: Change

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In New York...
Rumple had been in New York for the past 6 weeks now. Locating his first asset. He knew that when he found the help he needed, they wouldn't be happy to see him. However, he knew they would also be desperate to change the way they are living. He arrived at his first stop... The New York Aquarium. Rumple was determined to return home by any means necessary. No matter how much, he didn't want to admit it he was going to need their help.

Regina was walking home feeling like nothing could possibly be wrong. She was happy with Robin, Roland felt like her own child and Henry was taking up a great role as a brother-figure to him. Then the thought came to Regina, she wanted to ask Henry if it was okay with him for Robin and Roland to move in with her. If she was being honest with herself, she was afraid to. For most of Henry's life, it was just them. This would be a big step and she had to be sure it was okay with her son. Henry was her first son, his approval meant everything to him. She walked into her house and immediately saw Henry in the living room. He was looking through his storybook as if he was searching for an answer to a question. If Regina had a nickel for very time she had came home and seen him like this. Henry looked up, just realizing that his mother was watching him. He smiled and she did back.

"Hey Mom." Henry greeted her.

"Hi Henry." Regina greeted back, smiling unconditionally, "What are you doing?" she asked, curiously.

"Researching... and there is something I wanted to talk to you about." he said enthusiastically.

"Me too." she said.

"You go first." he said, "My news can wait."

"Are you sure?" she asked him. She hated if she overpowered her desires over Henry's. He nodded. "Okay." she said, gesturing for him to sit down, "As you know, Robin and Roland are becoming a big part of our lives." she told him. He nodded. Henry knew how much they made her happy and that was all he wanted for her. "And remember you can never be replaced,... but I want to be sure if it's okay with you first." she said as she gripped his hand. Henry felt like he knew where this was going, but he didn't want to interrupt her. "Henry... is it alright if Robin and Roland move in?" She didn't receive an answer right away, and she became frightened. But then she noticed a smile was plastered on Henry's face. He then smacked himself into her to give his mother a hug.

"Of course!" Henry blurted, "If it makes you happy then do it!" he told her.

"Are you sure?" Regina said. Regina was smiling was so hard, her cheeks were starting to hurt.

"I know how happy they make you. Plus... Roland and Robin are practically family to me already." Henry said, and it was true. Robin felt like a dad to Henry and Roland felt like a little brother.

"I am so happy you feel that way." Regina said, shedding a tear. To know her son approves of her soulmate and his son, meant so much to her. Regina and Henry embraced, so happy for each other.

"So, when do you plan on asking him?" Henry desperately asked her. He was literally jumping for their family to get bigger.

"I plan to ask him this afternoon." she told him. She was planning to stop by his camp in a few hours to ask him.

"I can't wait." Henry said. To have a sibling to share his room with him was always a wish he had.

"Well, hold on for a little while longer." she teased him. Henry smiled and was imagining what the future was going to be. He was brought back by his mother's question,

"I nearly forgot... what was it that you wanted to tell me?" Henry had nearly forgot what he wanted to tell her, but then it clicked and he grabbed his book from on the table.

"You know how we were wondering where the book came from?" he asked her, trying to ask jog her memory. She nodded. "Well... I've been searching through it trying to see if I could find its origin and then it hit me. Every story has its writer or author." Regina had a perplexed look on her face, very confused. Henry saw this and he decided to get to the point. "Because everyone's story is in this book that means that this book has to have an author." Regina was still confused, until she realized what he was saying.

"Are you saying that-"

"This book was written by somebody and whoever the author is. They are the creator of all our stories." he told her.

In New York...
    Rumple had found his first ally. As he limped through the aquarium, he had finally found who he was looking for. The sea life's caretaker was finishing feeding time in one of the exhibits.

"That's all I got." she said to the animals in the tank, "If you're not happy about it try eating each other." she snapped, cleaning her hands.

"I hear cannibalism is frowned upon in the aquatic world." Rumple said, stepping up to the former sea witch, "Or maybe you can tell me differently." She chuckles, seeing her old partner turned enemy.

"So this is what a man who always wins looks like." Ursula remarked.

"I assure you Ursula, my situation is only temporary." Rumple said. Ursula chuckled,

"Really, how are you gonna fix that?" she asked, "Playing the lotto?"

"I'd like to tell you a story, it's about heroes and villains and the villains always lose."

"Seems like someone's changed his tune." she said, pleasantly surprised.

"I've learned the rules do apply to me." he admitted to her. Ursula was shocked to hear the Dark One admitting he was wrong. "But also, there's someone who can change those rules."

"Who?" Ursula asked, intrigued.

"For now, let's call him... The Author." he answered.

"Pretentious, I hate him already." she said with a smirk.

"Then let's go see him. Tell him what we think." he suggested, "Unless you prefer life as a... fish food dispenser."

"If your coming to me for help, I can assume it won't be easy." she realized, "Who's standing in our way?"

"The usual people... the heroes." Rumple informed his new ally, "Lets get your things. We've two more stops to make."

In Storybrooke Forest...
Unknown POV...
I have been in the woods for weeks. Luckily, I know how to survive here. I have been preparing for myself this for so long. I promised them I wouldn't fail and I won't. Their lives depend on me. The Dark One was recruiting the Queens of Darkness at this moment and I was running out of time. I needed to help the heroes find the Author before the Queens of Darkness find him first. If I fail, they all will die but, I won't let that happen. They're counting on me... my parents are counting on me. It's time to deliver my message.

A/N: Hi guys!! Sorry that the first chapter was really short. Hopefully this makes up for it! This is helping me with my Supergirl story as well. I hope you enjoy Operation: Apple Tree. A lot of questions are unanswered but keep reading to find out! 5 more days till Christmas! Happy Holidays!

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