The Chosen

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Chapter Five

I saw so many people in the store I had to get out, I was too overwhelmed. I went to the side of the store outside. Immediately I got a headache, my stomach hurt and I felt like I was going to throw up. I bent over to throw up, but nothing came out, when I looked back up I saw three people standing about two feet away from me. There was a young boy, a little girl, and a man.

"Hello. Are you okay?" I walked closer to them.

"Hello. Could you help us? This is my daughter and son Mindy and Jamie. I'm Martin, where are we?" He looked not too scared.

"You are on the side of the the grocery store in Archer city. I'm Melanie, I am an anchor to the otherworld. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have passed away, all of you. I just need you to tell me how old you all are."

"Mindy is 4, Jamie is 10 and I'm 45. Are we dead? That can't be! My wife will be so worried. I killed our children? Why did this happen? How did this happen?" I saw his eyes tear up, but they weren't like normal tears.

"I don't have any answers for you Martin. All I know is that you need to pass through me for you and your children to move on and be safe in the otherworld."

"How do we get there?" His voice was shaking, I could tell that he was trying to be strong for his kids.

"You grab my hands." I crouched down to Mindy and Jamie then looked up at Martin. "Martin do you want to go first or do you want your kids to?" That was the hardest question I have ever had to ask.

"Can we go together?" Mindy whispered. She was holding a teddy bear and Martins hand.

"I have never had 3 people go through me at once, but let's try it. Mindy I'm going to get you, your daddy and your brother to grab my hands. Can you do that?"

"Yes." I put out my hands out for them. All three of them grabbed my hands, when they did I didn't feel any pain, I felt happy, I had a vision of their family, their last moments and how they died. They were happy on there way back from the zoo. Their mother must have been else where because she wasn't in the car. until a drunk driver hit them into a semi truck making the semi truck flip on the high way and crushed them. They all died on impact. After the vision, I started happy and sad crying. I've seen some things that will change my life forever. That family was one of those things.

When I stopped crying I wiped my eyes, took out my phone to check if my eyes were red and puffy then went back into the store where my mom and dad were just checking out. I asked them for the truck keys, quickly then ran to the truck. I got in the truck and took out my notebook.

Annie: Age 6. Murdered by her father.

Minnie: Age 14. Committed suicide, drown.

John: Age 30. Jumped and beaten to death.

Fred: Age 93. Died of a heart attack.

Mindy: Age 4. Killed in car accident.

Jamie: Age 10. Killed in car accident.

Martin: Age 45. Killed in car accident.

My list contained old, and young, real people who had died. I hoped they had peace on the other side. I was literally in the middle of life and death. The anchor of peace, but that's not what I would call myself. How many others were like me? I could use someone to talk about it.

"Hey, did you want to go swimming first and then have a picnic?" My dad asked getting in the truck after putting the groceries in the trunk.

I quickly shoved my notebook under my butt, "sure dad."

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