Chapter 3: Jacob

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As I was walking through the crowd, I tripped. I had scraped my knee. Then a figure about my pretty tall height lifted me up by my arm. it was a guy with dark brown hair, blue eyes pale skin, and was wearing a "Panic! At The Disco" shirt and converse and blue jeans. Um, maybe he was cute...😳 The guy asked. Ah, are you okay?? "I-I-I'm fine...thanks.." I replied.


I had hung out with the boy and his name was Jacob. Ok, maybe he was my type. 😏 So, we were In his car blasting "Fit For Rivals". He had dropped me off home. he waved "Bye Ivy!!" He had drove away with a smirk on his face. I wanna see this guy again....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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