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Bjorn paused, looking around once more. He was definitely lost. How, after only a few years, did he manage to forget his way around the forest? He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a small light in the distance. Someone else was here. He quickly made his way towards it, finding it was coming from the window of a small house, built around a great tree.

He rushed to the home, knocking loudly. It took a moment, but the door opened to show a young man, around Bjorn's age, with long red hair donned with a few braids. He had not grown a full beard yet, only hints of fiery red stubble dusted his jawline. Deep green eyes peered at Bjorn, as the corners of his mouth twitched into a slight smile, "I was wondering when I'd see you again, Bjorn Lothbrok."

The tall blonde's brow furrows, "I don't know you?"

The ginger rolls his eyes and waves Bjorn in, as he returns inside, "You'll remember soon. I will say, it's not hard to recognize you," he shuffles around the small home, as if in search of something, "You've had the same haircut since we were small.. though, so have I. It's just gotten longer..."

Bjorn looked around. It was dimly lit, due to the small fire being almost fully burned out. The house was round, almost like a hut with many shelves built into the wall, holding verious skulls, boxes, cages, and other strange oddities Bjorn couldn't tell what they were. The floor creaked ever so quietly under his weight, but was silent as the owner continued his search.

"Here it is," the redhead grinned, as he shoved the knife in Bjorn's hand, "You helped me make it. You and your uncle, Rollo. Remember?"

Bjorn observed the knife. It was no bigger than that for a child. The blade hooked ever so slightly, with runes and symbols for said child's protection and safety. Bjorn smiled.

"Iorek, come on!!" A young Bjorn yelled for the lonely boy he had just met that morning. The rather scrawny redhead ran to catch up, dragging the heavy axe his father given him to hang onto, 'in case anyone gives him trouble.' The child could barely raise it above his head, and the handle was half his size.

"I'm sorry, Bjorn.." the younger pants. Bjorn gives an apologetic smile, and treks on, "Don't worry. Since we're here, let's get you something you can actually use, hm?"

"But! But I don't have any money.. I have my father's axe, I can use it."

"Consider it a gift. Yol is coming up."

"Iorek," Bjorn opened his arms, taking in the shorter male, "I'm sorry I did not recognize you. How could I forget?"

"Well, you never had something to remember me by. I forgive you. What brings you to my home?"

"I'm lost. As much as I hate to admit, only a few years away have caused my memory to fade."

Iorek hums, before leading the elder back outside, "Just follow the creek, it leads to the river, and so on.."

Bjorn sighed in relief, clapping his old friend of the shoulder, "Many thanks. It was wonderful to see you again-"

"Will you come back?" Iorek interjects. Bjorn looked at him a moment before giving him a smile, "Of course. Maybe you could visit me in Kattegat, as well? When was the last time you've left your forest?"

Iorek seemed to lose all tension, and shook his head, "That does not matter now, go back home, Lothbrok. Your father has been far from you for too long. We will see one another again."

Bjorn nodded and went off after clapping his friend on the shoulder another time. Iorek watched as he went, following the creek as instructed. He breathed a sigh of relief. He knew he'd see his friend again someday, and he was so glad it was on this night.

Loneliness had taken over his once happy little home, a long time ago. He missed his mother and father, as frightening as he could be sometimes. His kind mother, who never once seemed anything but perfect. It was almost as if she herself was nothing but a glimpse of magic, an illusion that would only last for a short while. How was it that in one day, his whole world would change the rest of his life?

And how else could the gods have also taken the only other person he knew, in the whole world? How could he have been left so alone at such a young age?

But it didn't matter now. Bjorn came back.

Hi, I'm gay and have way too many daydreams to keep to myself 😎

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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mystics in the woods 《Vikings; Bjorn Ironside》Where stories live. Discover now