Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

He was busy tying his shoe lace at the staircase. Ignoring the people walking up and down, bowing his head and tying.

A tall man with dark brown hair stood infront of him and bowed down to see the transferee's face.

"Hey, new student!" He patted the transferee's head and walked up. After a second, he looked back and shouted, "Good luck on your first day." He crooked a smile before going up.

The new student stands up holding his backpack, "Pssh." dusting his uniform.

Managing to go upstairs with many people staring at him, he ignored. He smiled at one of the teacher that greeted him. Fifth floor, he founded his section.

A teacher was already inside so he knocked the door first.

"Goodmorning." The teacher smiled and told him to come in and introduce himself in class. He goes to the platform and bow his head.

Looking at the new classmates, he smiled and introduced himself, "I am Jeon Jungkook. Glad to meet you all."

The students laughed and the orange haired guy teased him, "Are you sure you are in our class?!"

"Yeah.." He was told by the teacher to sit on the vacant chair beside the one who teased him, wow tough luck, he sat down ignoring the attention he was getting.

Taking out his notebook and pen. He started to copy down notes without a word. Feeling the tension that his seat mate was having on him. The next one sitting on him at the right side was a tall guy with light brown hair, he find him cute and friendly though.

The boy reach out his hand and said, "Hi. I am J-Hope." He shakes hands with him and replied, "I am Jungkook."

"You have a weird cool name." He can't stop himself from saying what he thought about the guy's never-heard-of name.

The guy giggled, "Ofcourse, because I am special."


Jungkook decided to eat lunch alone at one of the table corner near the trash bins, he didn't know that was reserved for the losers. He started to eat his ramen with his chopsticks. Blowing the hot cooked soup and eating every noodles in the bowl. Sipping the lemonade after he almost finished eating.

A guy sits beside him and puts down a tray of food. "Are you a loser?"

He observed the man. He has the same height as him, chinky eyes and has color black hair. Jungkook stood up, "I'm finish so don't worry.." Looking down on his tray with not-so-finished plates.

"Really?" The boy laughed, "I'm your classmate, Jimin."

Jungkook walked away and ignored the boy who just introduced himself confidently. He decided to go to clinic, maybe there is the peaceful quiet place he wanted to stay in.

The nurse told him to stay just for lunch time since he wasn't sick. He agreed and lay down on one of the beds and covers himself with the curtains.

Thinking of school, he wanted to drop out. He actually doesn't like school. From what he experienced before, the last school he attended to. He was a popular one, a president in class and even in organizational clubs. But one day, a boy named Suga, revealed his family secret. After that, he was left behind by his friends. It was a horrible day. He got teased and bullied by an unreasonable issue. That is why he planned to transfer and forget all of them even the friends he used to be with.

Jungkook loves his mother. His father died when he was seven years old. So his mother started to date several men out there and brought home a lot. He would only cry when he was a kid, but now he would just ignore and not care about his mom. The principal of his school was actually a victim of his mother now, they are dating for eight months already. His mother didn't bother to argue with him about transferring of school since it was her fault.

Before his tears start to fall, he closed his eyes to sleep for a minute.

When he got back to class, his seatmate saw him and announced to all, "The transferee is back!" He threw a paper on Jungkook's face, and another one after.

"That's my welcome greetings for you."

He ignored and sits down. J-Hope, beside him was laughing too but stopped as he sits beside, "He's like that to every transferee."


"Yup, he doesn't like new students in our block."

He asked, "What do I do?"

"We were a block class since middle school. So when a there is new high school student, he'll bully him until the student drops out."

Sighed, "That is so nonsense."

"Not much." He smiled, "Kim Taehyung is a nice guy."

"I really don't care."

After class, Jimin approached the transferee. "Hey, Jungkookie!" He grabbed the arms and pulled the boy.


"I know you don't have anyone to go home with, so come with me!"

He pulled off my arms from Jimin, "Leave me alone.."

"Don't act like a butthead!"

He wanted to run and leave the boy but he can't, the boy followed him. "Pssh."

"So, where do you live?"

"Why should I tell it to someone I just knew?" He replied dryly.

"You're really friendly, Jungkookie." Jimin said sarcastically.

As there was distance between him and Jimin. Jungkook decided to walk the other way, he turned left and walked faster to hide. There, he waited for ten minutes and walked home. His mother asked him how was school and he answered that it was horrifying. Seeing his mother with his past school's principal made his day more bad. He hated it.

He realized tears were falling upon his cheeks. If only his father didn't died, he would not be suffering like this. They could have been rich and not have any other guys beside his father.

Who am I kidding, there's no forever.

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