"I do!"

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It was finally the big day. The day I finally got to marry my best friend, my absolute world, the man who makes me the happiest of women in the world.

I was just getting my hair done when a wave of nerves came over me.

"Are you okay sweetie?" My Mum asked.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous that's all!" I looked over at her, she took my hands in hers.

"Everything will be okay sweetie, this is going to be a day to remember. I had the same feeling when me and your Dad got married but everything worked out fine in the end."

"That's true, but I can't help but think maybe we're to young for this you know?"

"Oh darling, you and your husband to be aren't to young. Me and my husband got engaged at sixteen and we was married by seventeen. We're both forty five now and still happily married!" The lady who was doing my hair interrupted.

"Wow, really?" I smiled at her in the mirror.

"Yes, so you're not to young for this. You shouldn't worry what others think, as long as you and your husband to be are both happy, that's all that matters!"

"You know that? You're right!"

She finished doing my hair. I then put on my dress which was white with purple accents. We decided to have a white, purple and red wedding, white to keep the tradition of weddings, purple as it's my favourite colour and red as it's Brad's favourite colour. I then put my shoes on and got my makeup done. I was ready, all that was left to do now is marry Brad.

"Wow, look at our little girl! She's all grown up," My Dad said as he teared up, along with my Mum. I went over and hugged them both.

"Oh guys please don't cry just yet, you'll set me off." I blinked back a few tears.

"Sorry sweetie. Now c'mon let's go get you married to that handsome man of yours!" My Mum took my hand in hers.


We arrived at the castle where me and Brad where going to get married. I stepped out of the car and greeted my maid of honour and bridesmaids.

"You all look beautiful!" I told them.

"You look like a fairy unicorn princess!" My youngest cousin told me.

I bent down and gave her a hug. "Thank you sweetie, you look like a fairy unicorn princess as well."

She giggled and stood beside me.

"Is everyone ready?" My Mum asked.

"I think so?" I told her, I looked around to see if everyone was ready, they was. I linked my arms through my parents and headed into the castle.

As I stepped inside the castle, I looked around everything was decorated so beautifully, there was fairy lights dangling from the celling and purple and red flowers dotted about. I then spotted Brad's parents and his sister sat near the front, they all gave me a reassuring smile. Then I looked down the isle to him, he was wearing a white suit, with red accents. He looked beautiful.

"Wow!" I mumbled to myself.

I then reached the end of the isle, I unlicked my arms from my parents and they handed me over to Brad.

"Wow, you look absolutely beautiful," He smiled at me.

"As do you," I smiled back.

The vicar ran through the basics of what normally happens at weddings. It was now time for our vows.

Realisation and Love|Brad Simpson Where stories live. Discover now