Happy Valentine's Day!

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Hey guys! 

Romeo here! I know how a lot of people on Wattpad have their own goals before Valentines Day. I am here to help, and wish you a happy birthday! 

The rules are simple: I will promote you in whatever way you want if you follow the rules below. I ask you to PM so we can chat about your wishes and needs. (you can even tell me exactly what to say!) 

I need this information as soon as you PM me:
Your gender. (I'm not one to assume)
What you want to be promoted (if you want a certain amount of followers, reads, or votes.)
If you do read requests, F4F( follow for follow), V4V (vote for vote), etc.
A little about you :) (optional)
If you have a specific date to reach your goals

RULES: (these can be done before or after PMing me but they must be followed.)

1: If you are not already please follow me

2: Read any of my works. Voting is appreciated! <3

3: Follow @Writing_United 

4: Follow all the people mentioned in this book. This continues as I add more people. 

5: I will not promote you more than once but if your goals change for the holiday I will edit your chapter.

6: Respect everyone that uses this promo book. 

7: Tell me once you have reached your goals :D

If these rules are not followed you will not be promoted. I will check.

 I will post more details and update you on people that asked for things not only on my Message Board but in this book as well. 

Thank you all and I hope all your Wattpad  Wishes come true!


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