Unexpected you

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"Mommy, mommy. Can you tell me how you and dad got together?" Your son, Kyungsoo asked with much interest. "Us? Oh let me tell you the story.."

About 10 years ago, you were still studying in high school. You were part of a gang. A gang who solves the most difficult cases for the cyberpolice. Its was stressful to juggle your activities and studies but you somehow were able to cope with it. Namjoon, the leader of the gang, was very close to you. You both were best friends and you always confided in each other when you needed help. He was there to give you a helping hand whenever you needed help. He introduced you to the other members that were the group when you first joined. You found yourself falling for Taehyung when you first saw him because of his looks. But you were really unsure of your feelings then. 

Its was a month after getting to know RM's friends. You all got along with each other well, you had their contacts, and you were always hanging out with them. Even some of them gave you nicknames. Like Taehyung calling you Princess, and Jungkook calling you Noona. One day, Y/N was alone in the computer lab, trying to write code as you tried to find your way into a hacker's computer. You were working hard when you heard someone's voice. "Hi Y/N. You're alone huh? Wanna hang out later?" Hearing this deep and mellow voice, your heart started going berserk. You froze on your seat, not knowing what to say. "H-Hi Taehyung. I-I would be ha-happy to join your later." You stuttered nervously. "Haha. Sounds like my princess is nervous." Taehyung said as he noticed you shaking and the way you spoke to him. "Hehe. I'm fine. I'll join in a bit. I need to finish hacking into this hacker's computer." Y/N said as she looked into Taehyung's lust eyes. She gave Taehyung a little smile as she turned her chair around back to the computer screen.

-Taehyung's POV-

Looking at her cute and pretty smile and thinking about what she earlier mad my heart flutter. She's so pretty that I cant take my eyes of her. I think I've fallen in love with her. I love everything about her. She comes out with brilliant ideas to solve the case, she's really beautiful, and she's really talented. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I walked out of the room and made my way to prepare for out 'date'. "See you later my princess, I will make sure you enjoy your time with me." Taehyung muttered under his breath as he walked out of the room.

-end of Taehyung's POV-
-Time skip to when Y/N was done with her business-

"Ahhh. I'm finally done. Let me go call Taehyung." I said as I stretched and reached out for my mobile phone.

-on the phone-

Y/N: Hello? Taehyung?
Tae: Yes my princess?
Y/N: I'm done with my work. Let's go now.
Tae: Sure! I'll meet you at the security post near the side gate.
Y/N: Ok! I'll be there in a moment. Cya later Taehyungie-oppa!

-end of call-
-Taehyung's POV-

Did she just call me Oppa? OMG this cannot be real. AHHHHHHHH. I found myself smiling like an idiot as i waited for her paitiently. My heart started beating really quickly as i started flushing. Am I developing feelings for Y/N? I didn't know anymore. I just had to wait for her to come and I'll find out.

-end of POV-
-Y/N's POV-

Upon reaching the security post, I saw Taehyung's adorable little smile as he looked at his phone screen. "Taehyung-ah!! I'm here!" I shouted as he seemed engrossed with looking at his phone. "Y/N-ssi. You're here. Let's go!" Taehyung said as he heard your voice. As you two were walking out of the school side by side, Taehyung slowly went to grab your hand and held it really tightly. 'holy shittttttt. oh gawd oh gawd. I cant believe this!!!!! KIM TAEHYUNG IS HOLDING MY HAND!!!!' I said internally. I started freaking out as my cheeks were gradually turning as red as a tomato. Not long later, Taehyung turned his head to look at me. Seeing my red face, Taehyung smiled and said teasingly, "why is your face red?" "M-me? My face is r-red? Wait what? Are you serious?" I said, nervously, not knowing whether I was actually blushing. "Haha, yes. You are as red as a tomato. You look cute" Taehyung said shyly. "Thanks! You look really handsome and cute anyways." Y/N said while grinning from ear to ear.  We held hands till we arrived at the restaurant Tae wanted to take me to. As we reached the restaurant and sat down at our table Taehyung leaned closer towards me and said, "Let me treat you to dinner, Y/N." For the whole time we were together in the restaurant, we talked about many different topics, from our hobbies, to our daily lifes, so on so for. We had a whale of a time. But little did I know that we would have to part ways soon.  Once we were done eating, Y/N looked up at Tae. "Thank you for tonight. I enjoyed the meal. Well, I guess its time to part ways then. It's getting late and I probably need to go home now as my parents are waiting for me. I'll see you tomorrow then!" "No Y/N wait. Let me walk you home. I worried for your safety since it's getting dark now. Is your house nearby?"   Taehyung asked with concern. "Yeah. It's nearby. I'm quite familiar here as it's my favorite place to go to. To be honest, the restaurant you brought me to was the restaurant I was dying to go to for years. So it's fine." "Never mind about it. I'll just walk you home." As we walked home together, hand-in-hand, we finally reached my house. "Well, this is where I live. Guess I will see you tomorrow in school Taehyung-oppa." Y/N sincerely said as she was thankful of Taehyung for treating you to dinner and walking you home although there was no need to. Regardless, you were thankful that he cared about you. "Y/N. There is something I've been meaning to tell you. I love you. I think from the day I first met you, I fell in love with you. I don't know if this is fate or if we were meant to be. Regardless, I am willing to spend my entire life together with you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Taehyung asked sincerely. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you oppa. I love you too. And yes it is pretty hard to say no to someone like you. I'll be your girlfriend." And with that, Taehyung quickly pulled Y/N into his arms and smashed his lips onto Y/N's lips. Your eyes widened as you were taken aback by Taehyung's sudden action. But you knew this moment wouldn't last forever so you kissed Taehyung back. And as always, good things always have to come to an end. You headed back up to your apartment after saying your goodbyes. 

From that day onwards, you and Taehyung went out really often. You two became an item after dating each other for a year. As a few years passed by, you got married with him, you got pregnant and gave birth to a wonderful and handsome boy which you two named him Kyungsoo. You have no regrets in life no matter what. You wanted to stay with Taehyung and Kyungsoo for the rest of your life no matter what happens because you love them and will continue to shower them with love till the day you die. "Kyungsoo ah!! Y/N-ah!! Appa is home~~" Taehyung shouted as he entered our apartment. "Appa!!!!!" Kyungsoo shouted back as he ran out to greet Taehyung who just returned home from work. "Jagi. How was your day?" Y/N asked Taehyung. "My day was great. But it wouldn't be great without you, Princess." Taehyung said with a smile plastered onto his face as he carried Kyungsoo and put him onto his shoulders. 

Looking at Taehyung and Kyungsoo, you knew, everything wasn't a mistake. This was fate. Fate brought you two together and you for sure, knew that nothing could come in between this family. 

Unexpected you (BTS Taehyung FF oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now