Chapter Five - "It's Up To You."

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(Jisoo is a part of this FF from now on, if you don't want me to do that in future FF's let me know lol)

(also I have absolutely nothing against Ace (Wooyoung) I just needed an older character)


It was early Friday morning when you found yourself in need of an outfit for the Christmas party tomorrow.

"Jisooooo! Come onnn!" You yelled, trying to pull the younger girl out of her bed. Jisoo grumbled, asking for five more minutes. Jisoo is a good friend of yours, but since she hangs out with a different group of friends, you didn't see her alone too often.

"Jisoo it's an emergency!" With this Jisoo sat up and rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes.

"What is it, unnie?"

"I need to look through your fancy clothes!" Jisoo jumped up with excitement, pulling the yellow and red blanket off. She walked to her wardrobe.

"What's the occasion?"

"Slughorn's Christmas party."

"Do you have a date?" Jisoo asked, collecting answers from you to see what would beat suit the event as she looked through the hangers.

"Not yet... And it's tomorrow." Jisoo gasped, and asked if you would see anyone you know to catch a date last minute. You told her that you promised to be nice to Yoongi if that counted for anything, and she made a noise of pity. She knew all about the dislike between you two.

"Poor Y/N." She said, although she was smiling. After you tried on multiple outfits and receiving feedback from Jisoo, you decided on a dark red shirt with a black off the shoulder top. This was Jisoo's favorite outfit, and she loved it on you.

"Y/N unnie, can I do your makeup for the party tomorrow?" Jisoo asked, her back facing you as you changed into your robes. You folded the clothes once you were done, and put them in your arms since Jisoo offered to let you keep them in your room tonight.

"Sure, Jisoo." The younger girl clapped her hands, and said she'd see you tomorrow.


"Gryffie!" The familiar deep voice called out, causing you to turn around after several students glanced Yoongi's way. You stopped walking.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. I'm assuming you still don't have a date to the dance?" Yoongi asked quickly, breathing slightly heavier from running after you.

"What's that supposed to-"

"I didn't mean it like-ugh, anyways. Go with me?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows, and you looked at him in shock.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real snake?" You said, dumbfounded at Yoongi's request.

"Yes or no?"

"As a date or...?" Yoongi's mind raced with nerves.

"It's up to you." You weren't sure how to answer.

"I-I'll go with you." You said, feeling your throat tighten afterwards. Yoongi felt a flood of relief wash over him.

"Okay. I'll uh, meet you at the doors tomorrow." He said, doing a small wave and a... was that a smile? Before turning back around and walking. You felt yourself burn up, and you sped back to the Gryffindor tower.

After telling Jisoo that you now have a date, she said she would do her best with your makeup tomorrow. She was quite annoyed, though, when you refused to tell her who it was.

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