7. Definite decisions.

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It was the morning after your short argument with Jimin. Your eyes were puffy; your throat sore from crying yourself to sleep. You still had your clothes on from yesterday which once again brought tears to your eyes when you remembered that you and Jimin were once matching. It made you wonder: did Jimin fall asleep with his clothes on last night? Were you still matching with your once best-friend? Were you still best-friends? Was it a small dispute that would be forgotten or would he truly never talk to you again? There were so many thoughts drifting around your mind.

You couldn't be caught up on your argument with Jimin forever. Walking to your closet you rubbed your eyes to get rid of the sleep. You reached in and took out some grey sweatpants and a black crop-top with long sleeves. A nice trip to the park should do you good.


Park Jimin.

Even though you tried and tried to get him out of your mind you just couldn't. You got washed, had breakfast and brushed your teeth before grabbing a thin jacket; putting on your trainers and leaving your apartment, locking the door behind it. You glanced at Jimin's door before walking towards the elevator, entering it with a deep sigh. 

When you reached the park you noticed it was empty with the exception of a few people jogging and owners with their hybrid dogs. after walking around the park for a while, you noticed a gang of stray cats near a bench and couldn't help but to think if Jimin had ever been in a gang before he met you. You shook your head, emptying him from your mind. But you couldn't. You had to somehow distract yourself from occupying your thoughts with Jimin.

Donghae. You could force Jimin out of your head by replacing them with Donghae. Conveniently enough he messaged you whilst you were asleep last night so you could easily access him. After a quick text, you both organized to meet up that evening. Donghae said it was a date. You had no problem with that, he was a nice, cute guy who seemed genuinely interesting. So, you took a slow walk home to mentally and physically prepare yourself for that evening. 

It wasn't a posh, fancy restaurant date. It was, in fact, a casual date at the coffee shop where the two of you first met. So, you picked out a cozy, grey, knitted sweater and a pair of skinny blue jeans for later on. In the meantime, you sat in front of the TV watching McDavid's Push Race. You hadn't been thinking as much about Jimin as you were thinking about what you could be talking about with Donghae. You didn't know him that well, so thought it would be an idea to talk about each other's interests.  

It was now 15 minutes before you needed to meet Donghae. 5:45 to be exact. The coffee shop was open late on a Sunday night, to your advantage. So you set off walking through the dark streets of Seoul to meet Donghae at the coffee shop who was, to your surprise, already there. 

You sat across the small table from him. He greeted you with a warm smile. You responded with the same. "Hello, Y/N it's nice to see you again." He said brushing his hand against yours. You were a little shocked at his sudden interaction but totally forgot about it when you noticed a rather large beanie on his head. "Hello, Donghae. Feeling quite warm are we?" You said, pointing to his head. He looked away from you. "I uh, have a problem with my hair right now, you know with all the wind and the dry air outside." You disregarded it and picked up the menu to look through the warm drinks. 

The waitress approached the table where you were both sat. It was the same waitress that served you and Jimin the previous day at that same place. She seemed a little shocked that you were sat with another boy that wasn't Jimin but proceeded to take your order anyway. You once again ordered the caramel macchiato and Donghae ordered a warm mug of milk. Hm, maybe the milk was really nice at that coffee shop. You and Donghae made small talk until the waitress came back with your drinks.

You sipped on your warm beverage and laughed at the rather hilarious jokes Donghae was making. The shop was quite empty as it was late for many people to get coffee (yet, not early enough for the people who want coffee to stay up through the night,) so you could laugh as loud as you can. You found out that you both had a few of the same interest, such as taking walks through the parks.

So that's what you did.

After you both drank up, you headed to the park and walked around still totally submerged in each other's conversations. "Y/N. You smell nice today. Much nicer than yesterday when you were with Jimin." You were totally shocked. Did he infer that you smelled bad yesterday? "E-excuse me?" You stopped walking causing him to halt shortly after you did. "Did something bad happen between you two? His scent isn't as strongly attached to you as it was yesterday." He said in a low voice, approaching you. "Donghae, what are you talking about." You took a few steps back to distance yourself from him. He took his hat off to reveal two silky black cat ears. "Y/N, Jimin isn't who he seems to be. He's a mean, vicious hybrid. Come with me and I can show you what it's like to care for each other."

You were totally freaked out. You were totally enraged with anger. Donghae was being scary and you were upset with him. He was also a hybrid, yet he too chose to keep that a secret for a short amount of time. Yet, what seemed to really tip you over the edge was the fact he was talking badly of your best friend. You didn't care at this point in time if you had previously argued with Jimin, you hated the fact you hadn't been able to talk to him and hated the fact that someone was to talk bad things about him. 

"Donghae, you're freaking me out. I'm going home." You turned away to walk off but was stopped by a firm grip around your wrist. You were greeted with Donghae's sad eyes. "Don't you love me?" he sheepishly said. You felt slightly sorry for him but not guilty about what you were about to say next: "I don't love you, Donghae! I love Park Jimin!" Wait. Did you really mean to say that? Did you really mean what you said? Yes. You had come to a definite conclusion that you were indeed in love with Park Jimin the cat hybrid. 

You tried to pull away from Donghae's firm grip but couldn't. He was hissing at you. He was acting like a maniac. You started panicking when he wouldn't let go and looked like he was about to hit you at any given minute.

A flash of blond hair whooshed past your eyes as you now see two cat hybrids fighting on the grass in the park. You couldn't make out who it was at first until you saw two slick white ears emerge from the fluffy blond locks. Jimin. Jimin had come to your rescue. "Run, Y/N! Run home, be safe!" He shrieked. You took off as fast as your legs could take you the loud roars of Donghae coming from behind. "This isn't the last you see of me, Y/N!! W'ell meet again!" You took no notice of this as you were already far, far away. 

You've been busted, Park Jimin. Where stories live. Discover now