Chapter Seven

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"Come on Dean, it's the school dance. I've got to go." I complain, crossing my arms grumpily.

"Annabelle, you don't need to go to this god damn dance." Dean tells me, before attempting to leave through the door that I promptly shut.

"I want to take the impala to the dance Dean. You know full well that I can drive it." I groan.

"Dean just let the girl take it. the poor thing has been stuck under that tarp for months." Lisa sighs.

"See, even Lisa agrees. Oh and I need to get a dress." I tell them quickly before heading out to school.

The school dance is in aid of all the hard work over the previous school year that I haven't attended. Of course, it was harder to get my grades up because of all the make up work I had to complete while moving to a completely different school in the middle of a term without having my work transferred but I'm dealing.

Okay, honestly, I'm not dealing well at all. I miss Sammy like hell and the school isn't going well. I've been targeted by the populars. Not all of them of course, but most of them. That's where the dance comes in. I can show them that can be just as pretty as them and I can be girly. Dean, however, is against school dances, most probably an adolescent experience from his own high school years.

School drags on and afterwards, Lisa is waiting for me in the car outside the gate. To get the dress the other girls will envy. I'm almost at the car when a hand grabs my wrist. I spin around, flinging my hands into a defensive position and hitting my pursuer square in the face.

"Shit, oh god, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't grab me like that I have reflexes like a ninja." I say, looking into the eyes of Cole Draymon.

"It's cool babe." He says, rubbing his jaw slightly.

"Call me babe again and it won't just be your face hurting." I growl at him.

"Wow, kinky." Cole chuckles, winking at me.

"Wow, mature." I say, supressing a grin and turning back to Lisa who's smiling directly at me from the car.

I reach the car and Lisa looks like she's about to cry with joy, her smile spread wide across her face.

"That was a boy." Lisa states, winking.

"Yeah, congratulations on identifying that he's of the opposite sex." I laugh.

"Is he the reason you want to go to the dance?" Lisa asks, suddenly serious.

"Well, i guess he kind of is, I want to show them all that I can be beautiful." I say, suddenly self conscious.

"Umm, so uhh, just remember to be safe and uh-" Lisa starts.

"No, we are not having this conversation Lisa. My mom beat you to it 3 years ago and anyways, I don't like him." I tell her, hoping to change the subject to a slightly less awkward matter.

"Okay, thank god. I was hoping that I would only have to have it with Ben in a few years." Lisa sighs in relief.

"Anyway, subject change. I'm thinking a navy blue dress? Not long, and definitely no heels. I cannot wear heels unless I want to end up in hospital." I tell Lisa quickly.

"Okay, shortish navy blue dress with no heels, how about jewellery?" Lisa asks.

"Silver most probably, nothing too extravagant." I tell her with a grin.

"I guess we'd better get shopping then!" Lisa exclaims, pulling the car into the parking lot and forcibly dragging me into the first shop we reach.

"Definitely not." I telll her as she points out a dress that's gllimmering with pink glitter.

"But it's cute and girly!" Lisa exclaims.

"Lisa, come on, i said purple, not pink with glitter." I say shuddering

"You suck." Lisa laughs. I continue to walk around the store, brushing through thousands of dresses in turn and waiting for one to finally catch my eye.

"Belle come over here, it's perfect." Lisa says gasping.


Hey all, it's been a really long time, like 2 months but I have a lot of coursework and revision and homework to do for school. Anyways, this is a bit of a filler but I hope you enjoyed it none the less!

Love beth x

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