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I was sitting in my reading nook when I heard Weston's little boots storm up the stairs in pursuit of his older brother. Then came pounding on the bathroom door. At age four in Muinian years he had plenty of access rights to the various rooms of the house, but not for over-riding a privacy lock.

Bang! Bang!

"No!" Deacon shouted, his voice muted by the closed door.

"But I want to pee with you in there! I love you!" Weston yelled back.

I shook with laughter. Boys really had funny ways of demonstrating their affection.

"Weston," I called out. "Come to Mommy."

Those boots shuffled down the hall towards me.  When he turned the corner he wore his father's dark scowl.

"What's wrong?" I ask and set down my journal.

At first I get a North-worthy grunt, but after I pull him into my lap, Weston launches into his complaint, "I accidently hit Deacon and now Deacon won't talk to me."

Oh boy.  Weston really hates being ignored. Though I question how much of an accident the hitting part was.

"Wes, you know some of the bigger kids need privacy and time to themselves. They still love you. Deacon will talk to you when he is ready," I explain.

A pouting lip is the only response, so I ask, "Do you really need to go potty?"

"Yes," he half grunts.

"Well, Daddy Silas and Gramps Charlie built over a dozen bathrooms in this residence, so how about we find a free one," I prompt as I stand and lift my growing boy.

"Are you going to pee with me?" Weston asks as he buries his face in my neck.

I adjust my hold under his legs and try not to giggle, replying, "No."

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because Mommy is a girl, remember?" I remind him.

He pats my back in a comforting gesture and responds in a consoling tone, "Yes, I 'member.  Daddy Sean says girls don't have penises. I am sorry you don't have a penis, Mommy."

I shake in laughter which Weston mistakes for crying. 

"It's okay, Mommy. I still love you," he says as I set him down before one the many alternate bathrooms.

I smile down at him and point to the toilet inside.

I reply, "I love you, too. Go in and take care of business. When you're done we will go find Deacon so you can apologize for hitting. What is the rule?"

He looks down as he recites, "Use my words, not my fists or my fire or my...."

"Exactly," I cut him off before he lists all his psychic talents that have manifested. All the kids seemed to have extra abilities. Try baby proofing a home for a toddler that burps fire balls. "Now, go pee...and aim IN the potty! When Daddy Gabe said to practice drawing shapes, he didn't mean by spraying the wall."

He huffed, but went to the toilet.  I turned and stepped out of sight of the doorway shaking my head when I heard Weston mumble, "But Daddy Luke did it, too."

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