just for now

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This is the big one (75,000 words) so get yourself a snack or probably more like a full course meal and settle in for some gay shit.

(Title is taken from Tonight Alive's song Just For Now which is a banger so if you want go listen to it ok that's all from me enjoy!!)



The words on the page don't seem to sink in as Camila looks at them. It's like her mind is all over the place; nothing seems to sink in today. She's tired, and she just wants to get back to her bed, snuggle up under her covers and sleep the evening away.

She sighs, trying again, highlighting a few phrases that seem like they could be important. First real week back at college, and she's already going crazy; it's like her academic mind had died when she finished her freshman year. She looks up to the front of the lecture hall, face sinking into a frown as the professor switches from one PowerPoint slide to another, giving the class absolutely no time to take any notes.

She rolls her eyes, and she looks back to her handout to highlight a few other nonsensical phrases that appear like they're of some importance, when the professor easily dismisses them. She grins for the first time that day, stuffs the handout into her backpack and darts out of the classroom.

She sprints out into the corridor, and as if her day couldn't be any worse, runs straight into someone and feels searing hot liquid poured down her front.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," A raspy voice quickly apologises, and Camila looks up to snap at the person, but meets the most beautiful green eyes she's ever seen and stops in her tracks, staring at the woman like some kind of mute idiot. "I totally didn't see you coming, I didn't realise- are you a freshman? Do you have a class to get to? I'm so sorry."

"I- um..." any angry insults Camila had concocted fall out of her head, and for a second, she forgets how much her torso is burning, but she quickly grabs her t-shirt and holds it away from her skin. "It's okay."

"I'm so, so sorry," the green eyed goddess says again, before she puts her half empty coffee cup on the windowsill and rips a scrap of paper from her notebook. She scrawls something down and then hands it to Camila, "I really have to run, I have a class, but that's my number. Text me, I'll get you a replacement shirt or something."

Before Camila can say anything, the woman heads up a staircase nearby, completely forgetting the coffee she'd left both down Camila's shirt and on the windowsill. Camila, still standing there looking stupid, stares down at the number in neat scrawl on the scrap of paper in her hand, and finally snaps out of her mental pause. She whirls around, but sees the girl pushing open a door to the lecture theatre at the top of the stairs, and she turns and looks at the abandoned coffee before smiling to herself and heading out of the building.

She's still a little awestruck, the beautiful green eyed girl's image already fading in her mind, when she runs into somebody else. Thankfully, it's the person she was supposed to meet.

"What happened to you?" Dinah asks her, raising her eyebrows as she scans over the coffee stains on Camila's shirt. "Did you drop coffee on yourself?"

Camila holds out the scrap of paper with the green eyed girl's number on it. "I ran into a girl. She gave me her number to buy me a replacement shirt. She was pretty."

Dinah snorts. "So pretty your brain isn't working properly yet?"

"Mhm," Camila distantly hums, thinking of the girl's eyes again, "do you think if I texted right now, it'd be weird?"

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