[1] Someone to watch over me

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So this plot has been bugging my mind for quite some time now so I decided to write/type it on Microsoft Word! And the outcome (finally!) is this! This is actually my first time writing an original so I hope you'd like it. And if you do (crossing my fingers), please let me know. Your comments are all appreciated. :)


Chapter One

-Jaime's POV

"Who the hell is this now, Andrew? How many times do I need to tell you that I don't need someone to watch over me!"

"I apologize in advance, Lady Jaime. But my sole purpose after your parents passed away is to find you a protector that you won't easily knock out."

I seethed in response. After all these years that passed, it seemed that the pain of my parents dying was still a fresh wound, open and scathed. "Don't you dare say that! After these years, have I not proven anything to you? And what makes you think I wouldn't be able to knock this one down like all the others?"

I glanced at the guy's figure and saw the flicker in his deep blue-gray eyes. I felt a lump in my throat which I quickly swallowed then I glared at the guy. He was tall, I could see though he was leaning against the wall. He had brown hair and stormy blue-gray eyes which I would have found attractive if I didn’t know that he would be working for my family.

I quickly glared at Andrew again. He was the butler of my family for decades but he had been the only family I had. But I was utterly disappointed that he was still continuing on being stubborn and campaigning for the rights of protecting me. Why can't I not have my freedom? And why the hell does Andrew have to hire some guy who would only fail?

I almost pity the attractive stranger. Sure, I could see the firm muscles he had been sporting but the way he was leaning on the wall with that cocky demeanor only pissed me off.

"Lady Jaime, I swore to your parent's grave that I will take care of you. You have done a great job in training yourself because you are, after all, your father's daughter... nothing could stop you from achieving what you desire but I don't trust the people around you. If you have forgotten, you are the only living heiress to the empire your father had worked so hard for. You’re almost twenty-one and you'll be heading to college in a few weeks and I won't be able to watch over you for months. I cannot simply let you go without someone to protect you. Please understand."

I sighed. I hate it when Andrew does this whole speech just to get his way. "Andrew, it's already my third year at the university. I let you get away with spies watching over me for the past years but what have they done? They only end up scurrying away, running for their mommies when I decided to spank them." I shuddered. "I don't want to deal with that ever again."

"Watch your mouth, young lady." Motioning to the figure of the guy against the wall. But I quickly heard a faint chuckle in his voice, though. He liked having those weaklings around me but I knew that he liked it better when I was kicking their asses’ off the ground.

“And Andrew? The university is safe and I am protected there. You know that by now, right? And let me repeat, I can fend off anyone who puts me in danger. So please! Please, trust me on this. I don’t need any protectors. They might scare people away and I’ll only end up being alone.”

“Alone? For goodness sake, you want to be alone! I do trust you, please realized this. I only want what is best for you. So I had this idea and if only you’ll hear me out.”

I sighed. What a stubborn old man. “Fine. I’ll listen but don’t expect me to approve.”

Andrew smiled and gestured his hand towards the guy who finally made his way towards the spacious living room.

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